If it was illegal consider me a felon.
If it was illegal consider me a felon.
$130!!!?!?!! WTF Amazon. I got a monitor stand with the same specs AND a built in USB hub for literally Half that price from Vivo.
Hell fucking yes
Holy fuck, that little bit of pink is doin something extra to me.
I swear if you keep posting as frequently as you currently are I’m going to end up with the stamina of a god. Fucking gorgeous.
There is also the issue that they were airbrushed to hell and back from the very beginning. Look at the point where the right girls hip overlaps the mountains in the background. You can see where the digital artists brush slipped and painted some of the mountain. It’s present in the original.
You’re probably not sure what specific model you are getting but I will chime in with this. I’ve had both the Buds Pro and now the Buds Pro 2 and have used and abused them to hell and back and they work great, pair seamlessly, and most importantly sound great. They even have the ability to adjust side to side volume balance if you’re hard or hearing in one ear.
As a straight guy… Give me big muscular mommy Karlach any day of the week. I’ll be her pet.
The six fingered pianist strikes again.
Man I would let her use me in any fashion she wants.
Well, uhm… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladiator_2