Red Army Dog Cooper

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2022


  • Oh I am sorry and making smug remarks just so you can pull the “I told you so face” is going to help any thing? First facts and logic is such a meme at this point, because you know it.

    Look if your goal is to do absolutly nothing but feel superior and tout that you where right and trump is bad go for it grind that god damn point into dust and hold your little pattle up at the state of the union adress, and tell me how that goes for you

  • I mean you can call me a centrist that would be wrong. What I am saying is that shaming the rank in file voter is not going to do anything but alianate them. but you do you, take the message of forgivness the post is trying to advocate. You seem to have a fundimental missunderstanding on what the goal is here, While I would agree that the message of this post would not work, I would say that your message is even worse somehow as you are offering no sollution except being even more insufferable.

  • I mean it is not one issue, I have multiple issues, I had one issue that was the straw that broke the cammels back. I needed enough cleared up, or my none starter cleared up first.

    Second if we have the same values, why did you compromise on them, and how are you able to sleep with them so compromised.

    Third we had more than 2 choices, I would not say of the multiple people running Harris was the best, HECK Harris was not the best potential Dem nominee, she flat out ended her be neighborly and the GOP is wierd because her C-Suite brother in law asked her to stop. She had a good start, and she chose the right VP but threw it away to appease the rich.

  • Genuine question, why should I keep agreeing to a compromise that every time I look back has run farther and farther to the right and away from what my values are. You can say protest and advocate for change but when that happened they where shamed arrested and expelled. The railway union was forced into an unfavorable contract by the democrats. At what point is it that this compromise is less a compromise and more a pacification, and me lending my support to another right wing extention? Where is the red line? are individuals not allowed to have positions where if you support them they will not suport you? or even if you get enough of them?

  • I mean I never used the term “Genocide Joe” it seemed a little silly, but I was and am a person who said that in good contious I could not suport Biden, or Harris who said the only difrence we would see is a republican in her cabinet. No where in here am I saying this is anything less than the same level of genocide… nor am I saying that this is not more blatent, but the reality is that it is not significantly worse than the previous, that was just constantly being bombed, and that was being enabled by Biden

    Maybe just maybe they stopped complaining because there reason to complain is no longer there, and they are complaining with you that Trump is aiding in a genocide.