You don’t! Try again. It should work. Maybe something else is wrong?
You don’t! Try again. It should work. Maybe something else is wrong?
I see an brave! Inspire!
They do but one informs the reader of the order of the format while the other doesn’t.
Isn’t this how it already works? I’ve had watch history off for a few years now and the only thing that influences my recommendations are new subscriptions; which I’m totally fine with. (I don’t thumbs up videos)
I might not want to watch everything on my home page but it’s very spot on for me.
On the opposite end: I recently was looking for a good quality belt and avoided Amazon. Found one the met all of my needs and wants after a bunch of searching. It was ok clearance and so returns were explicitly not allowed. I was nervous about the sizing but I figured I’d take a chance.
When it arrived it was in Amazon packaging.
Turns out they have an Amazon storefront. The belt was also available at the clearance price on there and returns were accepted which meant I could have ordered 2 sizes and keept the one that fit better.
Oh well. The way I see it: the belt was the right size and Amazon didn’t get a cut of the purchase.
That’s not how you get Popcorn Lung.
That’s what I did with Siri too. At the time (years ago) the voice synthesizer sounded less clunky than the main voice too.
Left google home to default though.
C- level trolling I think.
I can’t live without Due. Pairs very well with the Apple Watch.
The Apple Watch comment was my ‘hey, wait a second!’ Moment.