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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Also, for at least two of those three the cause of their graduations seem to be chronic medical issues. IIRC Sana had some chronic back problems that at least for a little bit rendered unable to walk and while it got better after that, it didn’t go away. I think she also had several personal tragedies happen in rapid succession.

    Mumei has said she has some chronic throat problems that have meant she has a hard time talking for extended periods of time and a harder time singing.

    They’re also not the first gen in Holopro to lose half their members the first generation of Star EN lost two of their four pretty early on.

  • TNG: Drumhead, I, Borg, and Chain of command (or if you don’t want a two parter, take your pick of Q who, Measure of a Man, or Yesterday’s Enterprise)

    DS9: In the Pale Moonlight, Inquisition, and It’s Only a Paper Moon.

    VOY: Living Witness, Tuvix, and Year of Hell (or again, if you don’t want a two parter, go for Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy)

    TOS: The Devil in the Dark, The City on the Edge of Forever, and Mirror Mirror.

    ENT: Similitude, Regeneration, and In a Mirror Darkly (don’t really have a good non-two parter to suggest over In a Mirror, Enterprise doesn’t have a lot of great standalone episodes IMO)

    Movies: if you want to use these as examples, The Wrath of Khan for TOS and First Contact for TNG.

    And I don’t really have a list for LD, PIC, DIS, SNW, or PRO.

    Edit: for VOY, I might actually put Author, Author over Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy.

  • Yep, where I live, growing up I’d go trick-or-treating in waist deep snow (I was much smaller at the time, so more like knee deep on an adult). Now, first snow isn’t until mid November and we don’t get massive accumulation until mid-december.

    Both high temperatures in the summer and low temps in winter have also increased by like 10F. What used to be a major heat wave 15 years ago is now normal. Sub-zero temps used to be normal for weekly lows in late January into mid-late February. We have multiple false breakups each winter where temperatures get above freezing for days at a time and all of the snow starts melting.

    Shit’s very noticeable if you’re paying attention over time.

  • Depending on your setting and desired outcome for the poisoner, uraninite (aka pitchblende) might be an option. It has historical uses in glass making and pottery glazing, which could provide justification for why someone would have it.

    It contains Uranium, which is radioactive, but I don’t believe will bioaccumulate, but can build up on surfaces, tools, and clothing providing a source of long-term radiation exposure. In addition, it contains lead, which does bioaccumulate, providing a source of gradual long term poisoning as well as radium which also bioaccumulates and is radioactive, providing an additional source of longterm radiation exposure.

  • I can’t speak to the Quest support as I don’t have one, but my Index definitely had issues when I first switched to Linux fulltime. I had been dual-booting for about a year prior to that. But over the last year, it’s gotten better and most titles I’ve tried lately seem to just work the same way they did on Windows.

    I do still have this persistent issue where my computer treats the headset as the primary display during bootup if have it plugged in, but that’s OS independent and starts at POST.

    I’ve also seen some changelogs a while back suggesting Valve was trying to get OpenVR and SteamVR more compatible and make them both work better on Linux. I don’t know what issues you were having or how recently but it might be worth digging into again if it’s something you care about.