Jerboa here, works as intended!
Jerboa here, works as intended!
Puzzle #601
English is not my first langage, so these are usually a hard time for me. It was nice having an easier one this time!
Wordle 1 323 3/6
I’m sick, called off work, I’ll blow my nose, try reading, have a cup of tea, take a nap, blow my nose some more, eat a can of chicken noodle soup, and yeah thats probably it really.
Wordle 1 322 6/6
#WhenTaken #339 (31.01.2025)
I scored 642/1000🎗️
1️⃣📍318 km - 🗓️18 yrs - 🥈151/200 2️⃣📍9.7K km - 🗓️1 yrs - 🥉100/200 3️⃣📍477 m - 🗓️6 yrs - 🥇193/200 4️⃣📍2.9K km - 🗓️26 yrs - 🥉72/200 5️⃣📍3.5K km - 🗓️7 yrs - 🥈126/200
First time playing, that was fun! One the last one I first thought
Biologicalsex and gender are not synonyms.
*lose the “c’est” to have to correct way of saying it
You were on the right track up until Mariah Carey. You touch the queen of Christmas, now thats going too far.
The CAQ (ruling party) are NOT extreme separatists, and the law 101 that has french be prioritized in public advertising and facing services has been passed in 1978 to protect our cultural heritage. Otherwise yeah politics are spicier because of the separatist background which is still an ongoing question, but the whole thing still takes place on a very recognizable pattern of centre right liberals, conservatives, and libertarian-ish parties, with the occasional left leaning but still center crew.
Few things :
That’s a daring non-answer. I’m genuinely curious to know what stance you think Trump will take against Netenyahu’s continued genocide.
Also, about what “my” side has done and what lines “I were perfectly comfortable using”, or how I’ve been “condescending”, we’re strangers on the internet and that previous comment was my first one made to you. You don’t have enough information about my point of view to assume as much as you did. Or maybe you simply mistaken me for another commenter.
Either way no need to engage in profanity, it gives your whole vibe an unnecessary violent undertone. I’m sincerely just curious to know more about where you come from ideologically and I think it can be done respectfully and with civility.
Do you really think Trump is not going to back Netenyahu and let him do exactly as he pleases?
Gimme some figs on a pulled pork bbq slice with thinly sliced red onions on top, that’d be awesome
Put microwave on highest setting Place your bag in and start popping, put more time than you’re gonna need cause we stop it manually Heres the secret, as soon as you can count three seconds between kernels popping, stop that thang. perfect popcorn everytime
Bob is Queb as fuck
That guys autistic brother is gonna be so pissed.
Find a quiet place where you can be undisturbed, sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Breathe in, then breathe out.
Focus on your breathing.
In, and out.
Eventually your mind will wander somewhere else, that is normal and expected. Just bring it back to focusing on breathing.
In and out again.
Feel the air as it fills your lungs, feel what it is like to hold it in, and concentrate on what you feel as you let it out.
You’re basically just training your mind to focus on one thing and to be mindful.
Rince repeat as much as you like, I enjoy putting on a timer for 10 minutes, but really you do as you feel is good for you.
The most important thing to know is that there is no being “good” at meditating or not getting “it”, you’re either meditating or not meditating.
Thats a great and easy way to get started in my opinion.
So most probably the US of A
Just spitballing here. First and foremost on the listening side, if used subtly, reverb is a great tool to make the music feel more organic. Theres an uncanny quality to very dry sounds, since we are subconsciously used to some level of reverb. Then, on the playing side of things, reverb is a great way to hide mistakes, muffled noted, and every other happy little accidents.