This is so real.
If I can’t share a Curly Wurly then it’s not a revolution.
This is so real.
She gave him the ol’ ‘very disappointed’ speech
Oh mom, don’t worry about it.
And this explains how the country is sleep walking into fascism. What useless limp controlled opposition.
‘Aggressive restructuring’ is a funny way to spell coup
Post through the pain
The way Musk took an ancillary office and weaponised it to seize control of the government is an almost carbon copy of how Stalin took power.
The UAW has spent years preparing for a general strike on May Day 2028. Join the movement.
Political theatre has value! The more you can kick up a fuss the more you draw attention to issues. If they get confirmed and everyone believes they are wrong for the job, it’s makes they’re ability to get away with shit much harder. It also helps highlight how broken the system is.
It only loses its value if you find yourself in power with the responsibility to fix the system and you fail to even attempt it MERRICK GARLAND
“Fat settlement” is spelled a little differently in reality:
Mark Lyttle, an American citizen with mental disabilities who was wrongfully detained and deported to Mexico and forced to live on the streets and in prisons for months, settled his case for $175,000 against the federal government.
This feels pretty niche…
Remember how WorkChoices was “voluntary”? My Mum “voluntarily” took a massive paycut to keep her job when that was introduced.
Fuck these people.
Local libraries are a great way to substitute your entertainment budget for something more affordable. What’s more, if you volunteer and help out you’ll make a whole lot of connections who can help you back.
I use Goodonyou.eco to check out fashion and beauty brand’s ethical standards. It’s not perfect but it gives a pretty good ‘quick view’ of whether they’re dog shit or not.
In terms of BIFL, other than my Sunbeam Coffee filter machine, we’ve taken to buying second hand or locally made furniture.
Sonic Adventure 2 and Dead or Alive 2 That’s about all I could afford right now but still very happy with it.
Just bought myself a Sega Dreamcast after going through some similar thinking.
Hey y’all. Scott here.
There could be a huge range of possible answers to this question. But we can look at the listings to get some clues.
Now there is some overlap between them. The Nice classes, which denote which product/service categories the words are trademarked within, however within a single Nice class there can be a variety of products.
Fenyx rising’s trademark is still active and we can see it was refiled in June 2021, with some previously expired trademarks of the same name having expired in November 2021, whereas Immortals expired in 2020. Without going into the details my best guess is that the initial filing was more limited and has now been expanded to cover more media.
But the big one here is the characteristic word. By adding Fenyx Rising, it could be argued that that, in addition to the material differences between the products, there is enough separation to ensure there is no risk of confusion from audiences. There are also multiple Immortals trademarks which could make that word in and of itself less defensible depending on the potential conflict.
Finally we can’t discount the possibility that the two parties came to a pre-arranged agreement to exist in the marketplace side by side. This often happens and unless one is a long-serving distinctive trademark then usually parties can find a way to agree.