You mean he just handed China all of Africa, and more. China loves giving aid for influence.
You mean he just handed China all of Africa, and more. China loves giving aid for influence.
Yeah, a lot of those adults lived with the consequences of two world wars and the great depression. They either lived through it or their parents did. It left scars on a lot of them. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the easier times of the eighties, then I think, they really weren’t that easy.
The Breakfast Club. I was a cross between the nerd and the stoner.
I think you mean Hannibal Smith.
I want to lose weight but I suffer from luposlipaphobia.
? Home invasion, better check my spelling before sending.
I’d bet that this is actually Netball
Some people are offended by questions.
Yeah, the Weinstein defence.
The real hero.
Hangs self in cell when camera is broken.
Executive pay is to high Inn the US. But consider this: https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pallotta_the_way_we_think_about_charity_is_dead_wrong?subtitle=en
Who do you want running the zoo?
I’m calling for everyone to clean their counters!
Fuck off.
And social.
You’re funny. Now, back under your bridge with you.
And Kingdom.
I personally love cunts.