• 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Almost every book I read back when I was a school student.

    Each month we had to read a boring book chosen by the school, and at the end of each month we had a annoying test with questions like: “When the protagonist discovered the truth, what was the emotion he felt?” Or “How did the author felt when writing this?” So I had to read 300 pages of a boring book and pay attention to each detail each month.

    I don’t dislike reading, actually I enjoy good books, but reading something against my will is sickening.

  • (I’ll try to write without a translator so my text may be wrong) こんにちは、最近日本語の単語を勉強しました、理由が読みにできたいけど漢字は本当多い。正直もしかしてこれはただの時間の事、多分一年からは必要だ。 ところでどんな本は日本語の学びがいい?最近「元気」がよみていました、でもいつも私はもっと本の読むが欲しい

    What I tried to write: Hello, lately I have been studying japanese vocabulary, the reason is I want to be able to read but there are lot’s of kanjis. To be honest it’s a matter of time, probably just one more year is necessary for that. By the way, what book could be good for learing japanese? I have been recently reading “Genki” but I’m always searching for more books to read.

  • What I mention is what happened in October of 2019 in Chile.

    Yeah, I know that they need to attract attention to a protest to be listened. BUT by no means it justifies destroying and robbing small businesses, burning churches and destroy schools (while asking for better education)

    They literally went and made a mess of things. They could have just made a crowd, block the road, go to the government institutions but they choosed violence to other citizens. After that they left things even worse than they were, that’s a sign of lack of common sense and responsibility.

    Many people lost their jobs, schools ended with heavy damag, the Metro stations where I live ended up in a mess, and for some reason they burned churches. Yeah.