Check your local Craigslist or other classifieds for cheap old GPUs. Or if you have another PC, borrow the GPU and power supply just to get it to boot.
Smart companies will allow remote work, and be able to recruit top talent that wants to work remotely. From what I’ve heard, Amazon is a terrible place to work in pretty much any non-executive role.
I would imagine this is the drop off point for that trek. The top of Everest is over double the altitude.
Might be rebar or other reinforcement in the wall. See if you can shine a light on the hole and see what you are hitting. You might have to vacuum or blow the dust out first.
So March is just eels?
Did you mean to type seize?
This is a microsd card inside an SD adapter, that is then inserted into an SD reader in your windows machine right? Some of those SD adapters have a little lock tab that makes the card read-only. Make sure that’s in the correct position.
And also are sharp enough to cut your hand if you hold it in the wrong way.
Actual picture of the real person
Probably some combination of doctors and a physical therapist. A good general practitioner should be able to refer you to someone.
Northern Utah last I checked.
You can check the data the drive itself keeps about disk errors. This data is called SMART.
Figure out if the drive is having problems or not, then look at replacing it.
Another thing that slows down old laptops is thermal throttling. Once again there are plenty of programs you can download to check component temperatures. Have you cleaned dust out of the inside of the laptop and re-done the thermal paste?
Sounds like you need a pihole.
Sounds amazing. Onto the steam wishlist it goes.
You start with base HP at level 1. Every time you level up, you roll a die (which die is determined by what class you are playing) and add your constitution modifier.
Send an email to Corsair support and ask if you can have / buy some screws. They’ll probably just send you some. Worst case they can for sure tell you the length you need.