I hear this isn’t the reality as media puts it, it’s not as strict there. Not yet at least. Heard it from someone who’s parents are from there and visited multiple times.
I hear this isn’t the reality as media puts it, it’s not as strict there. Not yet at least. Heard it from someone who’s parents are from there and visited multiple times.
The new model 3s are improved upon also in quality I heard and soundproof
Soon women will be wearing hijabs like in iran 😐 what a fucking stupid population we have.
Maybe it turned him on raping when they are passed out?
The drug addicts that risk overdosing and literally die from it are usually not ones that have lots of extra money to pay extra thousands of dollars every month just to “look nice and lose weight”. They care more about getting the high. I think the seriously addicted ones are the ones who have the highest chance of overdosing.
U think any drug addict can afford ozempic even
Maybe sweeteners
Well I hope it’s true. Iran’s regime need to change. Women have to stop being oppressed there. It’s not right. No Iranian I know likes the regime there. I dare u to find one that does.
The problem is people using it to control others. Religion was important before for human development. I am unsure of its value now, when most places have rules and laws in place to keep people in check.
Oh I see lol
Rape and sexually exploiting? That’s not someone who should be free
So sad how leaders in asian countries limit women and that many Muslims accept it… my colleague is a Muslim, says she doesn’t want to wear hijab but her young daughter wears cuz she wants to without being forced by their parents. Just sad. Nobody should be able to put such great limitations on other people.
So how come pornhub doesn’t provide ID check? I doubt that’s actually gonna happen…
Downed*. But I guess u knew that and just made a joke :p
It’s not free parking anymore for a while now