No, every single person would be a ‘thousandaire’.
383,000,000,000 divided by 335,000,000 is 1,143 dollars per person.
No, every single person would be a ‘thousandaire’.
383,000,000,000 divided by 335,000,000 is 1,143 dollars per person.
Oh, can you imagine a filibuster by Bill? Move over ‘roasts’ and specials, just tune in on Cspan!
10 billion? I can’t see how someone realistically would needs more than 10 million, but okay, let’s set the limit to 500 million. A ridiculous amount of money.
But 10 billion? That’s an unspendable amount.
(And to think we will see trillionaires (1,000,000x million) in our lifetime…)
A lot of text, but I am missing your point I think. Is it “he without sin cast the first stone”? That’s a bit of a moot point, since that means noone can ever criticize the current system. So…
They won’t, because greed doesn’t get punished. Even worse, the law protects money. And the sociopaths/narcissists/psychos are the ones getting rich (of course) and the don’t have empathy, care, or believe in ‘fair’.
Well, the current system is unsustainable. See history. So if you don’t care now, somewhere in the future you will. You can’t keep ignoring the problem hoping it goes away.
Capitalism = free market. Unfortunately. The current system works perfectly. It is not sustainable and the rich get corrupted more and more, but that’s capitalism for ya.
Fair? What’s that? That doesn’t exist in nature or in greedy man. Fair is a societal construct. Paper beats rock, money beats fair.
Really? In the history of the world, there hasn’t been a time more safer, healthier or better for mankind then now.
Don’t stare yourself blind only on the scary stuff. That’s what the media wants, to make you obedient, scared and consuming.
Instead, why not engage and talk with people? For every ugly person in the news, there are 100 good people in real life.
Break the cycle of negative echo chambering. Please.
Good to hear that you know your options and what to do/eat. Do you use water/bidet instead op TP? And yes, surgery is annoying with the weeks healing after the procedure. Good luck in any case!
Your username weirdly checks out…
And on a side note: there are a lot of ways to cure/alleviate piles. What are your weapons of choice?
I hope so too that 99% is way too high.
And I understand your wish for tougher enforcement. Studies do show that tougher punishments do not lead to less crime (even worse, the severity of crime increases since you get the max punishment anyway), so that is something to take into account. But I understand that people want an end to the low accountability of one’s actions.
“who only care about themselves.”
To be fair, this is true of 99% (or whatever high percentage) of people.
I’m not sure if you’re pulling my leg, but sure, I get that. But what is a single/double/triple stripe month?
Now I am really curious…
What do the number of black stripes under the months designate?
Well, to be honest, apart of the aliens thing, everything you said is true.
So how is your housemate wrong?
And aliens? That’s an American thing. Only Americans are abducted and only America gets attacked by aliens in the movies. (And South-Africa)
Ah, I see. Thanks for taking the time to explain!
The spoiler could be handy if people keep asking you questions like I did.
Okay, I’ll bite:
Why are you putting a by-nc-sa 4.0 copyright disclaimer in your posts? Does that actually limit/grant anything?
Serious question, I don’t understand.
Why say “unalive” here on lemmy?
So… we are in the Bad Place?
Both definitions of free market (because regulations are never watertight), and the current system, result in the same current oligopily. So okay, maybe you can argue the semantics, the point remains: shouting for ‘free market’ does not solve the inherent, systemic issue of our current situation.