It may not have sold a lot but it did ship. On time. And it does work.
Mastodon @davidga@mastodon.xyz
It may not have sold a lot but it did ship. On time. And it does work.
It does. That failed too. They don’t know why yet. It’s too early to bother speculating.
Aquaman is going to be buying a lot of Teslas.
Make sure you’re putting them in correctly. Most people don’t. You have to roll them up thin, pull up on your ear (use your other arm over the top of your head) and then insert them deeper than you think. Then let them expand.
This was an excuse to allow Voyager to use the holodeck, which would have been an extravagant waste of power otherwise.
The Enterprise D holodeck ran from ships power, as shown in “Booby Trap”.
It’s time for a strike, and I’m honestly a bit disappointed that the F1 drivers association hasn’t even considered it. Where are their ethics? Show some damn backbone.
Magnets are snake oil. They have no effect on the human body. Don’t waste your money.
I will be calling it post-grease from now on.
The first one is post-grez-queue-el, the second one is post-gree-es-queue-el
And postgresql is pronounced post-gres-Q-L, even though it probably should be post-gre-SQL
They didn’t vote for Trump, they vote for “whatever the liberals hate”.
They don’t care if they suffer too. They only want to watch the “others” hurt.
It’s absurd that this doesn’t have a keyboard.
Amazing that the author of the drivers showed up in the comments.
By banning and blocking all VPN providers not based in Italy.
It should be a serious red flag that your VPS host is generating root passwords simple enough to get quickly hacked.
Although disabling the root user is a good part of security, leaving it enabled should not alone cause you to get compromised. If it did, you were either running a very old version of OpenSSH with a known flaw, or, your chosen root password was very simple.
Source: Ouija board
Apple has never marketed the VP being worn outside.
To be fair, the Vision Pro is (or attempts to be) an AR device. It’s not really designed for VR.