Clamp & glue is plenty strong. I’ve built a couple of desks with this approach plus a large dining table.
Clamp & glue is plenty strong. I’ve built a couple of desks with this approach plus a large dining table.
Back when I started my software career (2001) we did paper code review printouts in Araxis Merge. We also didn’t have source control back then.
I relief on pollens notifications from Sync. Worked just fine for me.
I’m fairly satisfied with AccuWeather. Not as good as Dark Skies was but close!
I very much felt the pain when reading the section about jest & babel…
Here’s my blog page on it!
You’ve gained a table and lost some scrap wood - wins on both sides!
Heck yeah, I’ve been home-roasting since 2007-ish.
What are you roasting on? I’m using a drum roaster heated by a turbo oven.
Can you check the photo? It’s not loading for me