The other 95% of all visitors will still want to see this page. If the most visited websites use such a blocking method, then most visitors will use Chrome.
The other 95% of all visitors will still want to see this page. If the most visited websites use such a blocking method, then most visitors will use Chrome.
This can be problem for Firefox and Chromium based Browsers, too. If the Website decides that Manifest v3 is mandatory to visit their site, they can block any access from Browsers with v2 running in the background easier than before.
With the WebM-Format they use it might be possible. It’s based on Matroska and there is a feature to replace or add chunks within the stream in realtime.
In Germany, there is a law that regulates the amount and intervals of advertising for private television broadcasters: 20% or 1/5 per broadcast day may be used for advertising. Programs that are shorter than 30 minutes may have a break, otherwise there must be 20 minutes between commercial breaks - 30 minutes in the evening. Unfortunately, there are still some loopholes.
Children’s programs are not allowed to have commercial breaks.
It’s a shame that this law still doesn’t apply to YouTube.
Maybe they want to compete with the price per subscription: let’s say they want to charge 5 € per month for Photo, Design and Publisher each, against 26 € for Photoshop (alone).
Remembering the situation when Macromedia was bought bei Adobe – now I have the same vibes again. Five years later nothing was left except Flash – that horrible piece of software – and Dreamweaver – I liked that one. The best transition back then was from Freehand to Illustrator and (consequently from Quark) to InDesign.
And then in 2015 to Affinity. So … 5 years with Corel, 12 years with Adobe/Macromedia, now 8 years with Affinity, so far … let’s see what they do and what we decide afterwards.
A VM does the job. For me as a Manjaro user at home have no problems with flexibility. And as an Apple Mac User at work there can’t be more suffering. 😜
“Somebody still uses Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign?” – I am using Affinity since 2016 … and saved more than 4K € subscription costs. 🤑
Right now at work I would use one but my phone (Xperia XZ3) doesn’t have a headphone jack. So I use an old Bluetooth Headset with a jack. The whole setup were presents from friends and my boss, so I wouldn’t complain about any of that. 📱🎧 👍
But thinking about it: It’s totally stupid to build a phone without a headphone jack. My previous phone (XZ) 🥲 had one and it was waterproof.
Poor grammar knowledge – correct would be something like: “Warum friert sie?” or better “Warum friert Frieren?”
It’s on my watchlist.
I hope they keep it the same way for the english dub – so I am curious how that will work out there.
For the german dub I don’t have any expectations – they also dubbed the spoken foreign languages in german since the first episode. When I listen to it when Paul and Zenith I talked to Rudeus as a baby … it was an instant fail … and it surprised me how careless the handled the whole series.
The post credit scene about the hair cut surprised me 🤣 .
What will happen next?! The Logo is really similar to x.org or their X Window System.
That’s correct. The anime mostly don’t remind you constantly about things. That is something I like about the show and that there are more details in it I don’t see during the first time watching it.
Germany, 1992: During a lesson, my music teacher played the theme from “Raumschiff Enterprise” - that’s what TOS is called here - to test his new sound system. 🎼
I wanted to have this track, searched in music and video stores, and the only thing I found was a VHS tape of Star Trek 6. And guess what: this particular music theme was not used in the movie, but the plot and effects captivated me. 🖖
Around the same time, the second season of TNG had its first run in Germany 📺. This series had a similar piece of music 🎶, so I stayed tuned - and lucky me, a few months later there was a rerun of seasons 1 and 2 almost every weekday, followed by the remaining seasons every weekday from summer 1993 until summer 1994. And during that time I also found the Soundtrack with the TOS theme. ✌️