Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
On on hand, yes. On the other…imagine frustration of management of companies making and selling AI services. This is such a sweet thing to imagine.
. . . does. Import whole ass library, use one function, once. Probably one of the easiest to implement yourself. Boom, file grew. Repeat.
…you know most of the gun squad is on his side, yeah?
Meh, Morrowind ones ftw
They also spray-painted “Resist” on the building.
Authorities have not confirmed a political motive
Unfocus sight and look to her right. Should help.
Also, for example in medieval times, they did clean teeth with herbs and stuff.
In this order: Red, purple, black.
Also wow, so many folk love purple on lemmy.
And yet, Bethesda always behave fairly towards mods, shotting down pretty much only the ones that tried to use assets from one game in another (Ripping assets from oblivion to skyrim is a nono…and that’s not even on them, they can’t allow it due to licensing).
And before someone jumps out if Fallout London - fallout tv series came out, they wanted in on the wave, had changed software in the meantine thus scrambled the launcher. No malice there, just sadly it happened at the same time as Fallout London came out.
I mean, we have both and more. From japanese folks using small type to a full blown sci-fi robot exoskeleton.
Wouldn’t that kill the place? I still remember getting at the end of tourist season to one of touristy locations in my country. It was straight up dead, shops closed, no pedestrians, locals even unregistered their trucks/busses. It was kinda eerie. Like, whole city just straight up died within maybe two weeks.
Why would they? They never did anything like that lol
Battle saddles - basically a saddle with mouth trigger to which you mount whatever weapon you need and auto reload on kick. Or telekinesis, if unicorn.
Fallout with no brakes and ponies.
And humans are also unquestionably idiots with their agenda.
Bots just do their job.
I can see it as American thing tho. Ya all were all 'bout freedom, no? Some dumb schmuck enter yer property, ya shoot im dead . Gov decides to be a dick, ya shoot em dead. This lady seems more on pacifist side and instead did that.
They did restore them during exodus tho
We have AI which is good at image recognition. Just use this little schmuck to add tags to posts and allow users to filter tags. Would also helo with Trump/Elon filtering etc.
On spoilers - also the whole goddamm culture shifted. A lot of people won’t pickup a game until they see at least gameplay vid of it or read tens of posts etc. Spoilers became culturally mainstream.
I do not partake and dive blind most of the time and still got that wonderfull wonder sensation I got as a kiddo.
Only ya know. We got so powerfull machines now that devs tend to focus on looks rather than story/gameplay. Thankfully slowly changing, in parts thanks to indie devs.