On the one hand, I agree with a lot of what Sabine has presented here. But on the other hand, that email is sus AF… It proves her point perfectly and there’s absolutely no way to verify it. I have to assume that it was written by/for her when weighting it as evidence, as a non-institutional email could have come from literally anyone.
This whole speech ammounts to “You’re supposed to be doing it to them! Not to us!”
🫡 Thank you for your service.
deleted by creator
Lol yeah I agree. It felt like just a literal read of the translation. Fun to poke at, but subtext is not its forte… So definitely more along the lines of “every accusation is a confession.”
I was interested in the German phrase, so I used an LLM to translate the meaning and see what we get. I landed on the following example scenario to convey what I think you mean when you use it in response to the article.
“”" German citizen: “I always vote for the party that promises to reduce taxes and increase funding for infrastructure. Was ich denk und tu, trau ich andern zu - I assume most people share my political views and priorities.” This reflects an assumption that their personal political leanings are widely held, without acknowledging diverse ideological perspectives. “”"
Is this on base with what you meant? Or is it more like the Every Accusation/Confession thing?
Bold of you to assume it would actually reduce how long it takes to get to work in the long run…
Oil rebounded, but Reagan/Thatcher era neoliberal policy remains. I’m not saying the oil crisis wasn’t a factor, but I think this lasting wage stagnation has more to do with explicit policy that promoted oligopolies than it does to do with the supply of energy resources.
Rhianna and Einstein both know something about black bodies.
If you’re known as a Charlie Chaplin fan? Maybe. Michael Jordan is your idol? Maybe. Known for flirting with Neo Nazi idiology? That’s some unambiguously Nazi shit…
English desperately needs a 2nd person plural, and unfortunately, imo, the best contender is “y’all”. I’m all ears if any of y’all have something else that serves that purpose unambiguously.
Everything’s been addressed that I can think to add, but I just wanted to say: y’all have got the right mindset and I appreciate you for it. Keep making the world a little bit better however you can.
Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but it came straight to mind. There’s conflict, but it’s primarily internal. The vibe I remember is reminiscent of your description.
Sometimes one needs to sit at the bottom of a well.
There seem to be pictures floating around of shrapnel damage on the fuselage, but I haven’t seen anything more concrete than that yet.
Hazarding a guess, but I think it’s referring to something like “the biologically mediated reduction of iron”.
Devil’s always in the details.
If some is good, then more is better, right?
How often does the average person really need to do that? Multimodal is where it’s at! Drive when you need to, don’t when there are alternatives. But alternatives need to exist for that to work, so vote for them.