Stree… me… oh…
Stree… me… oh…
I don’t understand your point. Are you saying if we ban pit bulls people will choose other violent dog breeds, and those people are shitheads? Or are you saying people who want to ban pit bulls are shitheads and banning pits will open the door to banning more violent breeds?
I genuinely can’t grasp why anyone would die on the hill of defending pit bulls. There are countless other dog breeds to choose from, why can’t we just ban pit bulls entirely when they’re demonstrably dangerous?
Linux is the best OS for posting memes about Linux, cmv
I used to genuinely believe IPAs tasted like dirt, now I can’t stand drinking any other type of beer
Kinda true but we also know that advertisers can be very picky about having their content displayed next to sensitive content or even profanity. So seeing a guillotine and fuck spez written all over Place on Day 1 was pretty cool
Literally everybody asks for more from the democrats. Who the fuck is excited about Joe Biden? Nobody, it’s just that the alternative is such complete shit and voting third party helps the poop
job losses due to automation
Oh yeah this has never happened. Brb, gonna go tell all my fellow assembly line workers this concept is total propaganda
Weird, I can hear the transcription, is this a new Lemmy feature?
The default logo is just ugly
Same on Memmy
Can only speak for the US, but I’d expect $3-5K if you go for a high end video
In my experience most super destructive cats are either not getting enough attention/play, or grew up as strays with such harsh lives they never fully relax in a domestic environment
I need to do better because I feel the lack of it, isn’t this valid enough?
Like I said, anything that motivates you to improve your life is a great thing imo. So yeah, if you feel unfulfilled, of course that’s a valid sign that you should absolutely do more challenging or meaningful things. My point is just that when you compare yourself to others, you’re comparing your whole self with their public self. You know your own doubts, insecurities, etc, but not theirs. So it’s not a totally fair comparison. In the same way, other people could look at you doing well academically and envy your position, because they don’t know that despite that success you are feeling unsatisfied.
Just remember that you don’t see the negative parts of these people’s lives. Not taking anything away from their accomplishments, and it’s great to aim high. Anything that can inspire you to take action to improve your life is a good thing. However, I promise they still have things they regret, time they feel was wasted, and moments of feeling unsatisfied.
Hello and here is your dopamine
Dog owners be like: cats are the worst, they don’t exist solely to worship me
(Obligatory comment asking why you Lemmy in the shower)
I;m thinking about thos Beans