It was Ilan Pappé, I think, who quipped:
“Zionists don’t believe in God, but they’ll all tell you that God gave them Israel.”
🇮🇱 Zionists are as Jewish as is convenient at any moment.
Recovering Conservative
It was Ilan Pappé, I think, who quipped:
“Zionists don’t believe in God, but they’ll all tell you that God gave them Israel.”
🇮🇱 Zionists are as Jewish as is convenient at any moment.
I think you’ll find that all of the “original Zionists” were Christian @GarrulousBrevity
What we now call “Zionism” grew after the Protestant Reformation, and is rooted in 17th-century English Puritanism.
It had two significant streams:
At the time, Jewish communities weren’t impressed. In the 19th century, Herzl and his friends exploited the movement to their own ends.
@TruthSandwich is a well-known troll. It proved so obnoxious that no other Mastodon instance would put up with it. It had to start its own instance. The fact that it could do that implies financial (and probably political) backing. I’ve blocked that domain, so I can’t see what you’re responding to.
TheBlower is an Australian mastodon instance @Cataphract
Mastodon and Lemmy are both parts of the Fediverse (using the ActivityPub protocol), so they communicate. Integration is pretty horrible, but improving.
Strings beginning with @ are mastodon addresses (or lemmy addresses translated by a mastodon interface). Mastodon copies across addresses and can autocomplete additional ones.
On mastodon, you can follow hashtags, so they play a substantial role. On the desktop, it’s fairly easy to copy/paste. Most mobile app’s are terrible, so hashtags tend to be neglected.
“if you don’t understand the comments”
You demand that I provide evidence for things that I didn’t say. That might seem tactically clever, but is it honest?
I ask for evidence to support things that you did say and you can only repeat your assertions. Is repetition evidence?
“near the end of the ottoman empire there was a very brief period where there was some coexistence” @Lets_Eat_Grandma
For centuries, Muslims, Christians and Jews shared Palestine. How “peaceful” that was is debatable. That Palestinians of all creeds had homes on those lands is beyond dispute.
Then, the Zionists started arriving. They wanted to be the Master Race of the region. That’s the problem.
I didn’t mention any “sources” @Varyk
I said that I’d be interested to see your evidence. You’ve tacitly conceded that you have none.
“this is absolutely incorrect,”
I’d be interested to see your evidence @Varyk
How many Israelis are truly Jewish @PanArab ?
@palestine @israel
The US is faced with a choice of evils. Harris or Trump. The primitive US system will lead to one or the other occupying the Oval Office.
Having the right to vote makes you responsible for the outcome of the election. If you don’t vote, then you’re still responsible. If you vote for someone who can’t win, then you’re still responsible. There is no escape.
It’s a tangled web @aasatru
The roots run deep. 🤔 To mix metaphors.
I haven’t actually read Herzl, but he reportedly wasn’t at all religious. He exploited what suited his ends. Part of his solution was that Jews would convert to Christianity. That’s probably his exploitation of the Christian mythology.
Herzl recognised that Palestine is too small to hold all of the world’s Jews. The ones that wouldn’t fit, he saw as dying out. His solution for the existing population of Palestine was evidently similarly brutal (in practice, if not in expressed theory).
Israeli Zionism is running true to form.
I’ve read that Jewish Zionism takes many forms. Among them, that Zion is wherever Jews are.
Complicating that is that Jewish Zionism springs from Christian Zionism. That’s a Protestant reinterpretation of scripture dating from the turn of the 17th century.
Jews didn’t start using the term ‘Zionism’ in relation to themselves until the late 19th century. Herzl adopted (or perhaps developed) the Jewish master race interpretation. Other groups evidently took different paths.
Originally, Palestine wasn’t part of the plan. Locations around the world were considered. Somebody (probably Herzl) realised that they could leverage the historical connection to Palestine. It also plays into the Christian rapture/second coming narrative, which was significant in the British involvement. The image is from the link that I posted earlier.
There is no path to lasting peace that includes a Zionist state @aasatru
Zionists like to use ancient history for distractions
but I draw a line at the Ottoman Empire. That was a prolonged period of stability, in which Muslims, Christians and Jews shared Palestine.
Then came the British. The story really begins around the year 1840. Apparently, they were quite miffed that Britain’s Jews weren’t interested in moving to Palestine.
This is long, but worth a read. It reveals some interesting history.
It’s fairly obvious that Israel is the problem @aasatru
The Zionist state is a mistake.
For centuries, Muslims, Christians and Jews shared Palestine. Then, the Zionists started arriving. They wanted to be the Master Race of the region. That’s the problem.
As Miko Peled observed, Israel and Palestine are the same place. He writes that Jews and Arabs can live together peacefully. That may be true, but by all appearances, it’s true of probably less than 20% of the population.
Palestine is sacred to more than Judaism and Islam. Ideally, I’d like to see it established as World Heritage. Protected by the world at large and thus needing no armed forces. I can dream, can’t I?
What of the other 80%? Netanyahu advocates a state in Sinai for Palestinians, so let’s make that two states. I think of them as sanatoria. Unarmed and heavily guarded, to protect them from each other and the world from them.
Plus a couple of very large prisons.
Israel is an arm of the US empire.
In 1986, Joe Biden told Congress: ‘There is no apology to be made for Israel. None! Israel is the best 3-billion-dollar investment we make. Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect our interests in the region. The United States would have to go out and invent an Israel.’
#Palestine #Israel #Biden
The parallels between Fascism/Nazism and 🇮🇱 Zionism are indisputable @AntiOutsideAktion but not really relevant. Zionist hasbara introduces complications as distraction.
For example; arguing about, who was “there” “first”, then introducing ancient mythology (which actually tends to disprove their arguments).