I am not great at the advice “paid thing”. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment torrent tracker?
I am not great at the advice “paid thing”. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment torrent tracker?
Oh no, is the end of piracy!
Technically speaking, a gun is a machine for making holes. As you said, a tool.
Honestly, suing pirates is like kicking a tree to prove it’s still alive, it doesn’t change the game. Piracy isn’t the villain here; it’s practically part of the success story.
I would be very interested to know how they plan to resolve these issues with “Ladybird.” Using a new engine will likely clash with the FALSE “security measures” of many websites and harm the browsing experience. It’s often said that users should demand respect for web standards, but in the meantime, as usability declines, users will gradually drift away. Firefox learned this lesson the hard way.
I don’t think it’s bad advice for most people. Maybe it’s just bad advice for your treat model
First, use the first 10 bytes of the file as a sanity check. throw in two random bytes like 0x55AA so you know the file isn’t broken. add a loop counter to track how many times you’ve lived the same week (bonus points for crying when you hit loop 9999), toss in a basic checksum to make sure your data isn’t glitched.
Then dedicate like 800 bytes to a super compressed log. Each entry is 8 bytes: a code for what you tried (like action 23 = “mess with the sketchy microwave”), the day and time crammed into 2 bytes, a yes/no/weird result, and a tiny note like “key under rug” but in code. Only keep the last 100 entries so you don’t run out of space.
The leftover 200-ish bytes are for tracking. Use bits to mark places you’ve already checked (like “room D14 done”) and actions you’ve tried (so you stop repeating “throw spaghetti at the wall”).
Every reset, open the file, see your last loop’s fails (like “loop 420: died petting a possum”), Then try something new, focus on unmarked areas and untested actions this is because if you notice a pattern (like “tv static every tuesday”), write it as “tues=F9=glitchinmatrix” or whatever.
After 200 loops, maybe you’ll crack the code (literally) or realize the exit was behind the fridge the whole time.Oor you’ll just accept your fate and start a cult (the 1k chosen ones!) . Either way, you’re out.
tldr: use the 1kb to avoid repeating mistakes, track patterns, and maybe escape before you start talking to a lamp.
It’s a natural instinct to lower your defenses with someone who speaks like you. That doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.
Are you still talking about me? Oh man… so sad.
The important is to do it the first time. Then just upgrade the app.
Removed by mod
Oh, you wanna talk about me? My parents bought a chipped PS1 when I was a kid and love it. Now I have a PS5 (used to play AC, GTA, and FIFA, but I got bored, so it became a “youtube frontend”). I had a cable TV and a PC with Windows 95/98/XP/Vista (acording time) and later Ubuntu. Great childhood, but I also had friends, used to play football every single week day (the one with the foot in the ball). Now I only play once a week in my local team (But I do it really bad, so I play defense). Anything more you wanna know? I’m all for sharing! =) I know, i know, too much about me. Have a great day. And next time just ignore or take the advice. If you feel I’m trolling, just don’t feed me. Bye!!
If you’re gonna try to control information, at least get your act together and don’t expose your own internal data like some half-baked project. Their careless handling of censorship just shows that when you’re too busy playing Big Brother, you end up making a huge mess of things.
Today is a great day for the scammer community
The advice was “touch” not “smoke” but at least you were out for some time.
Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know. That perfectly proves my point that some people need to touch some grass, but anyway, I’m not here to judge anyone’s life, it was just a little piece of advice. That’s all for me. Have a good one.
You must be fun because you love pornstars! I don’t so I’m boring! I’m going for some fun grass now. Have a good one.
I usually don’t relay in pornstars, and if I do, I don’t repeat or remember their face. But I guess there is a big market of pro-fappers in Lemmy.
Never was. But is a good option to hide your torrents from your ISP
Why gently?