I think you’re missing the point. Purchasing a utility item for its utility is fine, just don’t splurge on a car when that money is far better put into housing, healthier foods, education, etc.
I think you’re missing the point. Purchasing a utility item for its utility is fine, just don’t splurge on a car when that money is far better put into housing, healthier foods, education, etc.
It is legally discrimination. What part of that isn’t understood? Substitute women for any other group based on height, age, race, religion, or sexual preference and see that your argument doesn’t hold water.
Imagine if this was a whites only or over 6ft tall job fair, this stuff just fails to make sense when you divide groups based on criteria you can’t control.
Brother our infrastructure is why our kids are all weak and obese and all of ours cities are unlivable.
I feel this comment. The best advice I can offer is that your time is the most valuable resource, so you should spend it wisely. Use this time to cultivate a body and mind you are comfortable in as this will project onto others a positive energy that helps you and others around you feel happy.
For me, this started with finding hobbies I enjoy and pushing myself to new limits in those hobbies. Also, since I have always been competitive, I use this energy to help others also succeed.
Good luck on your journey towards enlightenment.
Imagine questioning a free neck stretch
How does it feel being a sycophant of the status quo?
Authentically authentic candidate per the Dem guidelines. Didn’t stand up for rail workers then got heat for it, now he is a workers champion while also being business friendly. Incredible.
We need to vote for people that will actual codify real change and stop straddling the line. We need representation that is not some rich family’s kids.
Could be the supply chain or that location? The only chicken sandwiches that are worth are CFA and MCD.
If worker unions were required by law then I would agree. The issue is that companies will corner the job market to suppress wages. The government applies some pressure the opposite way via minimum wages to help force progress. Self checkouts and various other automated processes don’t occur without some kind of selection pressure.
Think of minimum wages as forcing weaker companies out of the market.
Look cognitive dissonance!
That’s EAs former CEO lmao
Well said, I definitely lean towards indie with the occasional Fromsoft/Larian/Bethesda purchase
You can pickpocket the ritual materials too and scam the scammer
“Millennial writing” is the term I’ve seen used
Worker rights kinda suck and it can be difficult to form communities due to being more spread out and car centric.
Well people using their trucks to that extreme are always going to choose reliability over performance
“This particular problem doesn’t affect me, so I don’t care that it gets solved!” or the even better mindset of: “Your continued suffering is validation that I am am superior.”
Got to love these crabs
Not to be a devil’s advocate but the little people aren’t paying taxes. The top 20% pay the taxes for the most part, the problem is the money in the first place giving too small of a group of people too much say in how everyone lives.