Hate is always foolish and Love is always wise. 
Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. 

Never be cruel.
Never be cowardly.
Never give up.
Never give in.
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 3rd, 2023


  • The production quality on it is top tier. It’s the one that got kickstarter backed including the late Grant Imahara as sulu and Chris Doohan reprising his fathers role as Scotty. The stories are basically a bridge (heh) between of the time between the end of TOS and the TOS movies. The set design, costuming, etc. is spot on to the point where you could mistake it for the original show. There are some guest appearances from some actors that have appeared in other trek shows… heck… just look at that first episode… that is the original actor. The voice of the ship computer is another small treat.

    I’ve kind of avoided a lot of the fan fic sorta shows because they can be so hit or miss… but this one is canon as far as I’m concerned.

  • Absolutely. I’ve gotten 2 cameras and several lenses across those three sites I listed. Only had two issues (with the same purchase) and it was resolved under warranty no problem. Some companies even have factory checked used stuff on their sites. I’ve gotten all my peak design stuff directly from their site on their used marketplace. All looks like it’s basically new and comes with the same warranty but cost like 40% less. Good stuff.