All my space cowboy duels are held at solar noon
All my space cowboy duels are held at solar noon
Everybody sleeping on Dreistein
Very cool, but can it run flight simulator at 60fps?
A lawsuit for saying no? Sounds like a child throwing an adult tantrum.
Local restaurant in my town makes their own jam for the breakfast menu and they offer it in small jars to take home! I can’t speak for every ingredient in the jam but I know their menu is sourced locally as much as possible.
Not really a brand but try and shop local!
Let me rephrase. There are several clock styles included in android. One of which includes a very simple weather readout as part of the clock layout. I couldn’t manage to get it to work correctly myself but I’d chalk that up to having my location services off.
I don’t think I’ll ever comprehend why alternatives to driving are never explored properly. I think roads or equivalents have to be so much more expensive to construct and maintain than a rail.
Heck even a roundabout once in a while helps with traffic flow from what I’ve seen.
Not sure if it’s what you are looking for but I know there is a stock clock style that includes a very barebones weather report. Though, I wasn’t able to get it to work consistently. This was on a pixel 7.
Check out offerings from Yunzii, specifically their aluminium keyboards. Should be far better quality than Razer, also at a better price point for what it is.
A few other options include ajazz, Epomaker, aula, or royal kludge like a couple comments mentioned. They are all similar and offer great bang for your buck.
All are hotswappable and depending on which model you pick, there should be some leftovers for a set of keycaps if the Razer keyboard is your budget.
Would like to add for clothing and accessories:
Hand made to order musk ox down products! Quite pricey but high quality garments both in material and finish. Based in Alberta.
My guess is the government pays for maintenance and the subscriptions are for development/improvement.
In my experience, the ads are generally pretty short and usually about 3 per ad break, with ~2 breaks per 20 ish minute show. Been watching Schitt’s creek with no issues or complaints seeing as this is free with ads rather than paid with ads.
No experience with longer form shows but I can’t imagine it’d be any less convenient. Maybe an extra as break or two or the break would be longer with the same frequency.
So far for me it is shorter than prime per break, but Prime has less frequency as of now.
This is totally going to be fuel for the “birds are government drones” crowd
Super cool idea nonetheless!
I work mornings from 03:00 to 11:00. At first I would stay up after work and try and go to bed at 6pm which was definitely hard for social life.
Now I “nap” after eating lunch around noon for anywhere from 2-4 hours, wake up, do whatever needs to be done and then I’m in bed around 9 or 10pm at the latest.
The nights are great for appointments and shopping since everyone is working but that also meant my friends were working and so it’s a little lonely until the weekends. Not sure if it’s healthy the way I’m doing it but I don’t feel sick and I get to enjoy my days more than before!
If you haven’t already you have to try Thrills! It advertises itself as “it still tastes like soap”. Unique and old brand of chewing gum that I think everyone should try once. Shouldn’t be too hard to find and it is certainly available in Canada.
My birthday I keep to myself and whoever remembers remembers haha.
I used to forget others birthdays but the people who matter most to me I’ve made the effort to remember as best I can. Last year I started putting birthdays into my calendar as a recurring event so I don’t miss them. I just set a reminder a week or two prior if I want time to get a gift!
Norm MacDonald has some great bits
That cut scream right as she looks at the face again is fantastic
This is to test the waters for desktop ads I’m sure of it.