Elysium [he/him, any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • I mean, as a Burger, I had someone from Sarajevo basically tell me she hates all Americans and especially anyone who was ever in the US military. I wasn’t fully aware of US/western intervention and influence in the Balkans back then, so I didn’t understand the resentment. I asked her and she told me about growing up seeing her country destroyed. All you can really say to something like that is “Oh… I understand then.”

    We actually became friends after that. She was a bio student like me at the time and knew a lot of interesting stuff from the Soviet times. I would ask her to tell me more about her country, and she would ask me about…guns. Valuable cultural exchange?

  • This is more than likely some sort of clickbait based on how irrationally annoyed I feel (my internal “Am I being fucked up?” meter), but no one should be doing “To catch a predator”-“esque” sting operations. Esque (not a real word according to Apple. Thanks, Tim (it is)) in quotes because calling it such sort of implies a similar dynamic of “adult seeking obvious child” for sexual reasons. Or other inappropriate relations… which is basically any relations between some stranger and a child. Two adults meeting is not “to catch a predator” unless the 18 year old was pretending (as they did on the original show) to be underage. Like 14 or something. Then, ok. But that’s not represented here.

    Beyond that, random, private citizens have absolutely no business doing this type of stuff. It’s debatable if even the fucking cops/FBI, in cooperation with skilled professionals, should even be doing this stuff. Certainly not for anyone’s “entertainment.” If there is a legitimate predator problem amongst the general population that justifies stings like this, then the appropriate law enforcement agencies can/should handle it. They can announce the stats from the stings afterwards. We don’t need some Chris Hansen type lecturing a creepy 42 year old munching on pizza who thought he was going to meet a 14 year old girl from AOL instant messenger. I understand it’s “funny” or mostly just shocking to see such footage, but still, some things just shouldn’t be made.

    Also, most sexual assault of children is done by people they trust. Family members or close family friends. It’s not common that a stranger from the internet is the perpetrator. Also, cops are a huge percentage of abusers. If these types of “pedo stings” (which this doesn’t appear to be… given only this headline) wanted to be effective they’d just wait for cops to arrive and search the cops’ shit. Statistically, that would turn up more evidence of wrongdoing than luring random dumbasses (who are gross, for the record. Doesn’t need to be stated…)

    Anyway, all that said, the media tying this to a TikTok trend which I’ve heard of exactly twice makes me think this was a tiny, isolated, still very stupid and bad, incident. So, in short… I got clickbaited

  • Images, I’m unsure of. There are possibly a few examples out there.

    As far as words go, or direction given to the propagandists by the head propagandist (Goebbels of course), there’s a lot of scholarship on the direction of the Nazi propaganda, specifically anti-USSR propaganda, after the Germans were defeated at Stalingrad. In one of the orders or whatever “Bolshevist hordes” are mentioned as a subject to focus on. Also “Asiatic hordes.” Asiatic being the term the Nazis liked to use for Russians

    (Speculation) I feel like creating images of giant, “Bolshevist hordes” might have been problematic in the wake of the war-changing loss. If you’re the Nazi artists you wanna depict the Germans as having the overwhelming odds in battle. Not like “smol bean” Nazi divisions getting stomped by “hordes” of Soviets. Even if your intent is to say “look at the vast mindless army!” you’re still crediting your enemy with having a vast army. That’s my only thought as to why there aren’t that many images and the rhetoric seems to been on paper. Although I don’t have a mental encyclopedia of Nazi propaganda posters… it’s very possible someone did draw something depicting basically zombies wandering towards Germany or something with Stalin in the back mind controlling them (or whatever the “infinite depths” of Nazi imaginations could come up with)

  • Or derogatory towards their “superiors”?

    I’m not entirely familiar with the internal hierarchy of ROTC, but I have gotten the impression that people take their roles… a bit too seriously at times. Like they think they’re in the real military and not just a college kid LARPing (essentially)

    I could imagine a “less committed” member. Perhaps someone whose dad is paying tuition and was a military officer tells their kid to be in ROTC to have that door open for them. The kid is just there so Dad keeps paying the bills, and they hate the upperclassmen who walk around telling the junior members to, whatever, shave their face or stop skipping PT… whatever ROTC kids yell at each other about. So they call them “raht-see naht-sees.”

  • It’s absolutely wild that the DNC emails which proved internal corruption at the DNC between the top democrats and the media… are considered more important to the US than trying to forcefully suppress the videos of mass murders happening by US military.

    Also kind of expected since liberals will tell you, straight faced, that the video of them killing the Reuters reporters and the other people “wasn’t a war crime.” “… uh, how isn’t it?” Would be the first question from basically everyone with a brain. “Because the US said they were terrorists.” Oh. Ok.

    So, it just seems to me that those in charge view the war crimes videos as “settled” and not negative for the US. While they see the email stuff as an ongoing, never ending source of annoyance for the DNC/Hillary/MSM and so it needs to stomped down. Obviously the emails are already out for years now and not much they can do about that, but it does say and show so much of what is wrong with these people’s brains. They’d rather some video of Hillary personally executing a Libyan child came out and be subsequently explained away by the CIA as justified than ever have to talk about how the media fed her questions before debates ever again. Just totally twisted people. That’s how I read it anyway.

  • Analyzing right/left dynamics in this way seriously requires a full and total ignorance or misunderstanding of everything. Willful, purposeful, ideologically driven ignorance I’d argue (in most cases).

    It also totally deletes discussion of class (this is why I said it’s done purposely- of course capitalists want to delete that discussion altogether). It boils everything down to “Is the state exerting power somewhere?” “Is that force justified?” This effectively equates suppressing capitalist/liberal ideas like private property ownership being sacred and actually where value flows from (business owners- which hurts my brain even typing bc it’s so dumb, but moving on) to, I dunno, police coming and killing striking workers because a private owner demanded the strike end. Both of these are examples of authoritarianism, the state exerting force on individuals to force an outcome, but one is in the interest of workers/society as a whole, and the other is in the interest of a handful of owners. Under the bullshit definition some want to push, the class aspect doesn’t matter, all that matters is someone was forced.

    When neoliberals know they’ve got no answer to questions around class and legitimacy of private property, they just change the definitions to fit whatever they need. Convenient and not unexpected