As an outsider, how do you guys reach for the cabinet above the sink without, you know, getting spotted by the neighbour?
As an outsider, how do you guys reach for the cabinet above the sink without, you know, getting spotted by the neighbour?
The KEI cars by design don’t fit all safety and environmental ratings at higher speed the consumers cars have to adhere to in North America.
They exist as a very specific portion of the automotive market created in Japan by legal limitations that defines their profiles and capacities for taxes purposes. The fact that KEI trucks can be imported is actually a lack of extended regulations to farm equipment in the US.
The North American automotive market has no monetary or legal incentives to sell even inspired KEI cars since they are to cheap to make a reasonable margin and no tax loophole exist to prop up the industry.
Definitely, but solid wood isn’t affordable since the early 00’s. By that metric, IKEA is the only low formaldehyde content affordable fournitures since they are mostly honeycomb cardboard and covered in latex paint.
So basically, the safest choice is to buy used furniture that left most of its formaldehyde at the previous owner since the industry is far from regulating it and there is no way to avoid it without living in a cave, but theses have radon gas aplenty.
You made a typo and all you have are barnacles ladies feeds.
Too unrealistic for Hollywood, too realistic for Bollywood, just right for Ancien Aliens!
Well, no one expected the Spanish inquisition…
This seems outrageous for the US, but with universal health care, the cost of living in China and the legal difficulties to get a payout in medical malpractice. This is a significant win for that woman and their legal system.
Its missing the same translucent face in the top right background to make it pretty.
Odd. The question fits here, but it isn’t a stupid question, its relevance is astonishingly stupid.
The difference between “You go girl!” and “We go girls!”
Reasonable confusion!
Cheese on bread and
Croque Monsieur gives me the same reaction
Removed basic fonctions access, forced unwanted functions installs and doesn’t work on my pc.
Its just not aiming for the right markets. Its perfect for replacing heavy fuel user where fueling up is already restricted to limited locations like diesel generator trains, massive 18 wheelers and boats, but not for individual car market.
I don’t know enough, but it sounds like Unix kernel will need a new way to separately give access to TPUs.
Agreed, but democracy isn’t built anew at every iteration, its assembled by the people that cares.
HexOS has a plan for shared encrypted data. With the simplicity of installation and management it could take off mainstream as personal NAS are gaining popularity, but its still in early development.