They dont need to invade to conquer. They already control the president.
Yep. America is now, whether they understand it or not, a vassal state to Russia just like Belarus.
I started playing Drakar & Demoner (now known as “Dragonbane”) in the 80’s, but after a long abscence from the world of TTRPGs I started playing D&D 5E in 2020. Now I’m exploring Pathfinder 2E, as well as designing my own GURPS-inspired game. My home in the Fediverse is
They dont need to invade to conquer. They already control the president.
Yep. America is now, whether they understand it or not, a vassal state to Russia just like Belarus.
Zelensky should stop the war
Why is it he who should stop it? Why not Putin?
Like so many have said, if Putin stops fighting, there will be no more war. If Zelenskyj stops fighting, there will be no more Ukraine. One of these is the better option. I’ll give you a hint - it’s not the second one.
Correct. But being a private company without shareholders, as I said, means that there are no shareholders. :-)
Someone who reads, but does not post or comment. Someone who’s here, but doesn’t really participate.
So a private company without shareholders will be the first, then.
What you’re saying is true, but we must also remember that construction is always slower than destruction. What this means is that slow, steady improvements are not newsworthy - and thus gets no airtime - compared to destruction which happens over night and is thus newsworthy.
So there is also a lot of slow, steady improvements going on in the world that we never hear about. There’s not enough of it, I don’t think, to offset the big evils of greed, climate change, and fake news. But it is there, and we must not forget it.
Yes, and the same goes for “medium”: one medium, several media. When people say “media” now, they typically mean what used to be referred to as “mass media”, that is, newspapers, TV, etc.
Hello there, fellow Internet old-timer!
For anyone who would happen to stuble across this in the future, let me add that I managed to find this which is specially designed for TTRPGs - but very expensive.
The EU should come together and rename USA as “Lalaland”. Since that’s apparently a thing countries do now?
Absolutely not. Maybe in that country, but not in the rest of the civilized world.
I think you’re taking this a bit more seriously than it’s intended to be, but yeah, there have been Democrat presidents, but there still isn’t gun control, univseral healthcare (not even for children!), etc.
If the republicans win, it goes further right. If the democrats win, it stays where it is. So the only movement is to the right, never left.
Well, at least in our case, it wasn’t something that we bought. I’m pretty sure it came with our MS-DOS.
I figured it out - it was memmaker. It automatically edited autoexec.bat (and possibly also config.sys, I’m not sure).
That might have been one way of doing it, but I seem to remember a more mnemonic name - something like “memmaker,” perhaps?
Edit: Yep, it was memmaker.
I was talking to a friend just the other day about that. I remember some application we used to reconfigure autoexec.bat to optimize it for one type of memory or the other, but I can’t remember the name of the application (I think it came with the OS), and I can’t remember what the different memory types were called either.
I’m pretty sure Step 3 is “get out of here”.
“Lalaland” gets my vote, given that they have completely lost any sense of reality.