I had heard so many good things about Control, and was left very disappointed.
Mostly from a gameplay side; I found the ‘shooting’ boring, to the point of killing all fun and momentum the game had for me. Not even on a ‘difficulty’ front, its just the constant waves of pissants everywhere you go all the time sucks.
The story was ‘cool’, in that it had vibes, and some of the side content was great (like the Doctor Darling tapes and such). The actual writing/plot was pretty basic videogame stuff, which is to say fine in the context of ‘games’ and bad in the context of ‘all writing’.
Overall, I did not finish, making it like halfway through I think? Before just watching the rest of the cutscenes on youtube. Which, I suppose, me feeling compelled to do even that is a point in its favor, that I was invested enough to want to know.
Maybe this is judging by its cover, but Alan Wake 1 and 2 both seem, not my speed? They seem very ‘cinematic’, in a way I don’t like. Emphasis on cutscenes, acting, campiness, etc. Which like, aren’t objectively bad qualities, but I just don’t like ‘movie-like’ content myself, idk why, but it doesn’t work for me.