I’m going to start calling it the Gulf of Cuba.
How were they going to get the government subsidies and tax breaks if it was simple and didn’t take a whole nuclear plant to run it?
My vehicle makes the gas prices worth the membership, even if that was all I purchased.
Should list it as “Gulf of Cuba” and watch their heads explode.
“Woods” or “Field” porn was surprising common. I was honestly surprised to hear that was so many of my friends (and my) introduction to porn.
AC, read something, have a nice seat for a while.
And term limits!
Wasn’t there a Uni project a few years back trying to summarize key civilization building concepts - like basic agriculture, tool making, shelter making, that sort of thing. Because whatever society described by OP is going to have serious problems.
Because Dems need something to cry about every cycle. They could do so many things if they actually wanted to.
Not only does she cover MN elections, she is an award winning writer.
I also use the grocery store juice (with no preservatives), add some honey, and I like it dryer, so I use champagne yeast.
Love me some Billy Bragg. Have seen him 3 times live.
I see this all the time in tech. "We don’t like product/service X. So we went with competitor Y. Then customized Y to look exactly like X. I don’t understand why we don’t like it. "
Just picked up a BMW CE-04 a couple weeks ago. I haven’t had time to really ride it much - I have been out of town since a couple days after getting it. The few rides I have been able to get in have been pretty good.
Also data rules / data privacy. Some things need to have the original in Europe; China & Russia also need their data separated from others.
I really like my Dreamcast!
That is how I counted the tiles. Tetris!
WTAF? So he can ruin PBS too?
Making a deal with a Daedric Prince.
I have a Sena helmet. Use Bluetooth from my phone through the Motorrad screen. A little sad that the app needs to use the Motorrad app for navigation - it is a little cumbersome. But overall, it works for what I need. But in the spring I need to figure out the separate volumes for Music and Nav, because nav was pretty quiet compared to the music.