Running low on leather armor and ammo for this big drum of a submachine gun. Whatever will we do??
Running low on leather armor and ammo for this big drum of a submachine gun. Whatever will we do??
Carver, the Dead Space pustule keeps shooting projectiles at me, even in my dreams!
That’s only at the VA. Here at [not for profit hospital system], we hold and prolong the patient’s ED stay to maximize their financial deterioration.
Decent idea, but the calculation is flawed based on the average US citizen income tax being ~14%. Why should excessive profits for the rich be only taxed 3%?
Then the king makes the sons of the pawns fight in the rematch.
As long as everyone keeps a slab of corporate surveillance in their pocket that’s only a few clicks away from another purchase and endless emotional response, the rich will keep winning. Food, water, and bed be damned.
A miserable little pile of forwarded secrets. But enough talk… Have at you!
First thing that comes to mind are the LISA power rangers! What a terribly depressing crew of drug addicts and alcoholics. Colorful, though.
Finally, all it took was half a century of enforced good behavior to turn the barbarians that call themselves Germans into peaceful denizens of the world. Mostly.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut! And a broken clock-
Thank you so much! I wrongly assumed these were California regulations. Honestly, Canada regulations seem even more wild in comparison considering the rules surrounding an 18.5" barrel threshold, restriction based simply on a named make or model, and then if the firearm was factory-built or not. Almost as if a lawyer consultation is needed before making a purchase.
Does the the Vector only need a fin grip attached and a limited capacity magazine to be unbanned since it’s an LBR? I’m out of date when it comes to CA, so I’m happy to learn the new nuances.
Really adorable! Awesome work
My biggest lore question was if the rest of them were annoying smartasses too
Hold my Bongcloud!
“You didn’t win correctly.” - Chess (The original Dark Souls-themed tactical grid-based roguelike war game)
Interesting offside note from an old 1958 experiment that I recently read on attempts at raising Grouse (extremely difficult due to their ineffective immune systems), but one test batch lost all males to disease. Eventually, one of the hens took on male mating mannerisms and behaviors with the other females. The other females self-ovulated and laid unfertilized eggs. It was only during autopsy that the “male” was determined to be a female because it had convinced the researchers so well.
Biologically, males are a necessary component (under the logic of “at least one”) of dimorphic species but people really should ensure that the limiting factors aren’t largely based on primitive sexual and reproductive requirements. People just need to take better care of each other, period.
The creature that looks like a man but shouldn’t be called a man.
But delicious. I’ll be glad once I can afford more protein in my diet on salary. Year’ll come eventually.
20 hours of overtime might actually my wages liveable, but I usually get yelled at by HR or a manager for going anywhere above full-time.