I don’t think this is really a hot take. I know quite a few star wars fans and most of them (including me) love Solo, even those who can’t stand any of the other new movies.
I don’t think this is really a hot take. I know quite a few star wars fans and most of them (including me) love Solo, even those who can’t stand any of the other new movies.
First of all, that cookie looks absolutely baller. Secondly, damn you I’m going to get crumbl cookies now and fucking up my diet lol
Right? An entire halberd head going through your torso has got to do some serious damage.
Just got this thing last week, I love it so far. Still haven’t figured out how to make good use of the back paddles on PC, but even without those it’s a great controller.
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Damn, I can get un-sunset versions of Hammerhead and Recluse? I might actually have to go back to Destiny for a bit.
Just started running again this week after months of physical therapy for an ankle injury. Really excited to get back to it, also a little nervous I’m going to mess up my ankle again.
Likability advantage? Since when was he likable?
It generated printable Black Lotuses? Jackpot!
Stealth has always been optional in Assassin’s Creed. The modern games have a lot of problems (the series really hasn’t been good since Black Flag) but that one in particular isn’t new. Trying to be stealthy makes every mission take twice as long, but imo it also makes them more fun.
I mean…duh? Basically the entire point of having different laws in different states is that people can choose what laws they want to live under. No one should be surprised that young people are considering that when choosing colleges.
The art of the insult has truly declined over the centuries.
Someone else mentioned VR games, if you can afford the gear I second that recommendation. Some games can be quite the workout, and it doesn’t feel like I’m convincing myself to exercise because I’m just playing video games.
I haven’t seen this mentioned yet, but I feel like a world map is important. It doesn’t have to be a work of art, even a rough sketch of a continent shape with a couple landmarks and a You Are Here sign will do. For me, being able to visualize a map of the world and my character’s position on it helps me place my character in the context of the world. This is doubly true if your campaign has a lot of travel, as many do.
This is the best thing I’ve read all day.
For what it’s worth for anyone finding this post later, uninstalling and reinstalling the game fixed this for me.
Hmm, just tried restarting my PC, no dice. It’s 100% percent of dialogue for me, not just some of the time. Guess I’ll try the old uninstall/reinstall.
Sure, but don’t let that stop you from insulting him. The activity is its own reward.
This article misses the point. The reason there are no good billionaires isn’t that they change their politics and morality to whatever drives profits. It’s because they have amassed more wealth than they can ever possibly need, while others suffer and die who could be saved by that wealth. If you have billions of dollars that you could have given to the needy and instead you’re sitting on your hoard like a fucking dragon, you have failed morally. tldr: billionaires are dragons and we need more dragonslayers