Conversely, not having money also sucks and should be considered
Conversely, not having money also sucks and should be considered
It’s been pretty good ever since the Entente Cordiale.
It’s more interesting to me that there’s 3-4% of people who basically have no idea what’s going on.
They killed wormtongue so I’m going to go with yes
No one wants to deal with politically motivated internet trolls, sorry. If you aren’t one of those then be mad that the trolls ruined it for you.
It comes off like this:
Officers swear to uphold the constitution. Enlisted swear to follow orders
What have they done for the city that we’ll be missing out on?
The American Dream is home ownership and comfortably supporting a family - not like he’s doing anything to make that more accessible either.
What about directories under XYZ?
Wow works fine on Linux for me
Maybe he should write an article instead of a video. I’m much more likely to engage with those. Or I guess I could run his video through an LLM to get a text summary.
Yes, that’s attempted murder. The method doesn’t matter, just the intent. A lawyer would likely argue that you can’t prove intent in this case, but in your hypothetical we know the intent.
Making a small phone is harder than making a big phone.
The immediate impact is that the mineral rights treaty wasn’t signed. Past that the impact remains to be seen.
Fuck whoever you want, makes no difference to me
Seems obvious