Not on its own- the inferiority complex cranked up to psychosis levels was the main joke
Not on its own- the inferiority complex cranked up to psychosis levels was the main joke
In three decades, having a power source that can be placed away from the elements is going to be a very good thing.
The genocide is literally stopping
This band was so fucking good.
Trump is dogshit. The rest have been dogshittier.
With the genocide in Gaza, people would be more likely to recognize him as head of that Jewish organization than as an MP.
But then those prisoners aren’t allowed to be hired by professional fire crews after release.
Theu can’t apply the skills they learn.
God, lemmy sucks at memes
If you don’t pay a bunch extra for some sort of certified mail, you don’t have proof of mailing and they can ignore you.
Not legally, but also yes legally.
Seems worse for folks to not even realize their data was leaked
My impression was that the first poster was <19, which would be funny.
Is the guy a lot older???
Generally, 800-1000 is the market minimum, with 2000 being very common
The people who don’t like predator reintroduction are very different than the people who don’t like hunting.
Take this with a huge grain of salt, but I read that Italians only claimed pasta as a national dish because Mussolini pushed it- some kind of effort towards a national identity.
Sanitation is being put out to Pasteur
Ditto. Deeply frustrating.
I mean, I always thought Faye was obnoxious with unflattering clothes- but I also loved the live action series.
Nah, it was stylish and goofy in a way that made you realize how goofy the original was.
I resented that culture insisted I care about people who, as far as I could tell, hadn’t done anything. I don’t care about how much someone parties, or if they’re rich, or have a sex tape. Lohan was an actor, at least- I don’t want to hear about Paris or the Kardashians because why?
Moderated consumption is a valid goal that many aim for- it’s the 12-step programs that make this taboo, but their success rate isn’t stellar.
I’ve been dialing back as I approach forty. I was in a band during my late 20s through mid 30s, and was drinking 2-5 beers a night (25 a week) pretty easy. That’s not heavy alcoholic level, but even at the time I knew that was more than was healthy. Now I’m aiming for 5 drinks a week, and have been hitting that goal half the time. When I miss that goal, it’s only by a few, so that is still a drastic improvement over where I was.
The things I try to keep in mind are impact and enjoyment. How am I affected by my level of consumption? (Heartburn, cost, grumpy when I can’t have it.) Am I enjoying myself when I do drink? At my height, no, I just wanted something carbonated and malty. Now I do enjoy the drinks I have- and put a lot of intentionality and anticipation into what I select.
It sounds like you’re well on the way to a healthier relationship with alcohol, keep it up! Stressing about the missed goals isn’t as helpful as focusing the next one, so don’t beat yourself up. You’re already doing better than you have, and know how to get where you want.