Never had a problem with mine.
Ex Royal Artillery. Ex BT. Prog rock, scifi, beer and veggie loving cat butler living in Ware UK.
Never had a problem with mine.
I’m 66.
I tried to explain this to my daughter in law when she suggested my wife just use the same password for everything, including online banking.
Ended up in a big row about how she doesn’t give a shit because she has nothing to hide.
Didn’t talk to me for a week.
Thinking about that, perhaps I should rack it up as a success 😏
So far. One the nob ends find a way in it’ll not be as friendly, that’s why blocking them and their instances promptly is important. I saw something on blocklists the other day and will look into that. I may be totally wrong, but to me it sounds like the filters we’d use in uBlock Origin or similar. Sounds good to me.
No. We don’t ; -)
Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. Was a recommendation on the R site.
Complex, eon spanning, hard sci-fi. I’m loving it!
Moria Falls
~Wonder if anyone will pick up on this.~