Bauermauertraurigkeit sounds like someone’s missing the Berlin wall.
Bauermauertraurigkeit sounds like someone’s missing the Berlin wall.
Minor nitpick, you have causality inverted. Esperanto is artificial and therefore regular.
I’ll add that absolutely no measure taken should extend for a minute after the emergency is resolved.
I don’t think there’s a unique cause this happens. Different people will have different motives. Having said this, some causes are:
Anti-peronism. As shown in the last election, there’s like 20-25% of the people that will vote for whatever opposes the Peronist party.
Social media, especially tiktok. Milei has been extremely successful conquering that space, so younger generations just get excited to see some “radical change”.
Perceived corruption of the peronist party. I won’t say this isn’t real, but I don’t think it’s as bad as most people think. Also, all corruption concerns fly out the window once a right wing guy is in the government.
Traditional media. We have our own version of Fox News, which is also quite successful at appearing neutral to these that can’t criticize what they consume.
Some people also overfocus in whatever feel is the current issue, two examples.
People worried about inflation remember fondly the 90s, despite unemployment getting close to 20%.
People worried about crime will remember fondly the last dictatorship because “you could walk safely at night”. This last one is especially false, because every statistic shows that Argentina isn’t an insecure country and it was the military that could kill you at night without consequences.
Argentinian here: we have absolutely nothing to show for it and yet people keep voting the right.
I can’t fathom how anyone would make the decision to go over there for vacations.
Yeah, I’m always scared of saying it out loud because it’s not super clear where to draw the line.
While it’s nice for the employee to get some extra bucks, tipping only supports minimal pay for the job because “they’ll make up for it in tips”.
They don’t want freedom of speech; they want licentiousness of speech.
It’s definitely better to avoid medicine if possible. Like if you have a flu, just rest and drink hot beverages. Your body knows what is doing.
Also, you are in a forest. It is expected to see wild animals, it is unexpected to see humans. If you were in a seemingly empty office, would you rather see another person or a fucking bear?
True, though I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is.
I’ll answer the opposite way: in South America we have no crows, so it was by far the most fascinating animal I saw while in England.
You think you are not used to it, until you are in Europe with dry 35 C, society is collapsing around you and you are, literally, barely breaking a sweat.