• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • So, bei mir ist gerade unfassbar das Leben am Start. Ich darf meinen Sohn nicht sehen, weil die Ex übers Kind zu streiten anfangen will, ich hab mich daran gemacht mein Trauma in der Therapie bald anzugehen und mache dafür nun alles um meine Emotionsregulationsfähigkeiten zu verbessern, damit ich dem gewachsen bin, hab mit einer guten Freundin geschlafen, die einen Freund hat und war gestern auf einer Demo. Am Wochenende ist nicht viel. Vielleicht ist das gut. Es klingt alles nach mega viel, und das ist es auch. Aber obwohl das so viel ist, habe ich das Gefühl, es geht mega in eine gute Richtung. Irgendwie glaube ich, nennt man das Leben und ich hab es ewig lange vermisst. Schön.

    Wenn ich nachher ein blaues Auge habe, dann ist’s halt so. Dann grins ich und besorg mir ein Kühlpack.

  • Holy shit why did I not know they exist. Ha! They had a summit with this Russian guy, they had Ukrainian officials change their profile pictures to memes. Saint Javelin? It’s so great to see how democracy strikes back once again against totalitarian regimes. For a long time I thought that information war was our weak spot, but it seems that in democracy it just takes a bit longer to build such a Defense. And now there’s this: decentralised, unorganised, hiveminded, thing that’s ironic and actually funny for a good cause.

  • What a dickhead. It’s awesome that India landed on the moon. Why do you have to take out some really bad stereotypes and talk shit?

    But what I actually wanted to say: We need to start being careful that the moon won’t become a dump. Lots of devices up there. It would be a shame if the moon would be treated like earth. I always hoped we need to get over our deficiencies to get up there but as it currently seems, moon is gonna be harvested by corporations as everything on earth is.

  • It’s so funny because all the time they tried to ignore the fact that their Jesus was in fact what they would call a socialist.ä and pretty many stuff in the bible says things like:

    „It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.“ — Mark 10:25 (You hear that Kenneth Copeland? Well you look like the devil himself already.)

    “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.“ — Matthew 6:2 (Basically the opposite of what most of them full blown proud Christians do. Isn’t pride even a Sin?)

    „And all those who were of the faith were one in heart and soul: and not one of them said that any of the things which he had was his property only; but they had all things in common.“ — Acts 4:32 (That’s probably a ancient Woodstock feeling.)

    „If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?“ — Johannes 3:17 (Tax the rich is basically this, but with more steps.)

    “Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.” Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!‘“— Deuteronomy 27:19 (Can you see it? It says build the wall and cage children without their mothers right there.)

  • Yea? NATO? Like leaving that giant military infrastructure that is the basis for western peace? Who do you think will profit from this? Who profits from Brexit, from destabilising western allies? How did Brexit go for Britain? Americans always think they are the only once doing stuff for nato bit that is so damn incorrect. USA profits from so much within nato. Bases around the globe, knowledge, expertise, shared intelligence… Yeah we get it you do pay a whole lot of fucking money but do you really think it would be less if you left nato? It would be the opposite. And alone is never better against anyone than allied. Or would you rather go fight twenty Boxers with two hands and no talks and compromises needed or with another 30 organised men with different skills and talents who are sometimes smaller than you but never the less talented in different martial arts?