i dont disagree with it being in a decent state. i’m just annoyed by the marketting around it, which is deceiving, if not flatout lies.
the problem imo is that it’s advertised absolutely incorrectly. they make it sound like the tech makes the game run faster. it doesn’t. it leverages the free resources due to the cpu bottleneck in order to interpolate frames, like those 2010’s tvs with their “9000hz motion” interpolation. it’s okay for smoothing out jerky frame movement in solo third person rpgs and stuff like that, but absolutely disgusting and unusable for first person shooters. yet, following the gaming subs on reddit, people are gushing over it like it’s free real performance increases out of thin air.
narrowed it down to the “Gigabyte GTX1080ti 11G” detector. all except that one can be left enabled. as soon as i add that one for my graphics card into the mix, openrgb crashes.
the confusing part here is that only after disabling the igpu this happens. if i reenable the igpu, things are back to normal with all detectors being able to correctly identify all their components.
any idea why that might be?
rare reddit W
sounds like an uninstall
Steam exclusive content
great, because nobody asked for that anyways.
The Switch 2 can be better than Steam deck.
and the Deck 2 will be better than the Switch 2. what’s your point?
Donald Trump’s bold claims that he’s immune from criminal prosecution over his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election
wait. so is he now admitting to consciously trying to overturn it by force, or is it just coming from the context of the lawsuit?
got it on steam deck, so using a controller. it’s mostly like i remember playing it as a kid on n64. the only issue is that the camera keeps zooming out every now and then, but there’s a keybind to reset it when needed.
how many do you want?
one for each pocket.
If they were to cooperate with valve and/or epic they could pull it off to some degree. Basically a fixed return from valve/epic per unit sold.
the head of the relevant official, obviously
and it does replace the shortcut with steam+X aswell or would i need to do anything else to change that?
that’s not how it is to be interpreted.
it means something like in order for google maps to show you your position they NEED to access your device’s gps service, otherwise maps by design can not display your position.
who’s the creator of god and the realm he resides in? hm? hm? hm?
checkmate, theists!
missing keys
that’s the biggest war crime that valve has committed with the deck and no idea how they think it’s acceptable
both of you can be right at the same time. just saying.
personal petpeeve of mine, that insta-gen as you describe it, is mentally incapable of making/uploading computer screenshots in computer specific subs (e.g. game specific subs). they upload photos of their monitor that look like ass, angled like they’re tim walker and shaken like they’re driving on cobblestone… almost like we’re back in the 00s or something.
it literally requires more effort to post a worse picture and be removeded at than simply pressing print-screen and ctrl-v on the pc.
“bUt I’m NoT uSiNg ReDdIt On My CoMpUtEr So I’m NoT lOgGeD iN”
yeah, while at that better uninstall it on your phone aswell. nothing of worth comes out of you anyways. smh
not really. you’ll build muscle memory of the button sequence, if needed.