I know it isn’t specifically what you are looking for since it isn’t self hosted, but Things to get me is great and I’ll take any opportunity to get people off of Amazon that I can.
I know it isn’t specifically what you are looking for since it isn’t self hosted, but Things to get me is great and I’ll take any opportunity to get people off of Amazon that I can.
It’s soooooo good. I second this.
I highly recommend NewsBlur if you don’t want to host your own.
I think both of these might be problems. I definitely didn’t cover the dough and the ones I cooked at a higher heat for a shorter time did come out slightly better.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll be sure to post again if I get anything worthy. 😁
I think I just used cold water, so that might be an issue. I also didn’t cover the dough while it rested so I’m sure it dried out a bit. Thanks for the tip.
This looks like a good recipe. Lots of great comments that I’m going to try.
Thanks for the reply!
Another vote for the vert. The mx verticals is my favorite mouse I’ve ever moused with.
NewsBlur is awesome. Great web interface, native apps for mobile, super customizable, and the developer is a great dude. I’ve been using it for a few years now since I got tired of running my own ttrss instance.
Picked up graveyard keeper on sale for $4 and I’m addicted. Plays a bit like Stardew Valley but with a dark edge. Great game overall.
Starship Troopers. The book is great, but the movie is like if someone wrote a short summary of the cliffs notes of the book. I guess they both had bugs.
I can see that, but I think the dramatic plot points and twists are a good payoff for the slower parts of the story. At least in the first book I got a little bored with all of the traveling, but when they finally get where they are going it picks up significantly.
I’m loving this thread. Lots of ideas for my next reads!
I’m about half way through The Obelisk Gate which is the second book of the broken earth series by N.K. Jemisin. I’m really enjoying it.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is SO good.
Ice Hockey was SO good! I still fire that one up from time to time.
Any client recommendations?
Fediverse + PopOS? Does it GET any better?!
This is the only way to eat frosted mini wheats.