You lost by far greater than the number of third party voters.
To be clear, it the vast majority of Americans who lost with the reults of this election.
You lost by far greater than the number of third party voters.
To be clear, it the vast majority of Americans who lost with the reults of this election.
Same. Probably warm, but.
Vinny is away to Munich for a bit.
John Nintendo, founder and CEO?
It’s The Death of Superman all over again.
I don’t get it, but this dude was really into lemons.
He basically said the same thing, but somehow in a more succinct and elegant fashion by comparison? Which is reeeeaaaallllyy stretching when it comes to what Steve said, because it was absolutely idiotic.
I can’t imagine Janeway not at least trying to field commission him.
Cries in Ensign Kim
Not enough randomly capitalized Words that shouldn’t be capitalized.
Seriously, it’s like everytime you have a jet ski party and someone has to go to the hospital, suddenly the news is saying he got shot. It’s like ‘ugggh’, right?
Black-ass mama . . . white-ass daddy . . .
I literally don’t understand what he’s going for with Kamabla. Like, literally, what the fuck does it mean or imply? What am I missing?
I’m sure it’s fine. It’s not like there’s an idiot who makes stupid, whimsical decisions in charge.
Do I see a bare foot on the table?
Right, but if you’re paying x for y amount of work, then once y is complete and you expect y to increase, does x increase as well?
So it’s an albino cockroach that exudes overwhelming sex pheromones?
They learned on the MadCatz
“Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He’s no longer in favor. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake,’ he lost his great general. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys,’ but it was too late.”