I’ll call it Artificial Artificial Intelligence.
I’ll call it Artificial Artificial Intelligence.
Sebastián Ramírez
I saw a job post the other day. 👔
It required 4+ years of experience in FastAPI. 🤦
I couldn’t apply as I only have 1.5+ years of experience since > I created that thing. 😅
Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate that “years of experience = skill level”. ♻
Both don’t work for me.
This doesn’t feel like news? Like I feel like I’ve heard of this before this article. I’m also not sure what actions I could take.
Why? Biden’s immune and a lame duck, especially after the election.
I think it was “^RS”, cropped to look like “^BS”.
Docker and GIT iirc
I say we poison the well. We create a subreddit called r/AIPoison. An automoderator will tell any user that requests it a randomly selected subreddit to post coherent plausible nonsense. Since there is no public record of which subreddit is being poisoned, this can’t be easily filtered out in training data.
That’s exactly how people in the US trade also!
How do I buy puts on this?
Defending private property is coercion for those who don’t own property.
Now that’s a way to keep your customers coming back!
The question is not “Is life fair?”, but rather “Should we pursue fairness?”
Liquid Oxygen? Wow I didn’t know it was that old.
This is sarcasm.
Automation could replace all services, and only property owners would remain.
I wonder how Public Figure law factors in to this.
disinfecting agent - I squish a bit of that inside the toilet bowl and just leave it there. It smells good, and it gets rid of the bacteria.
Is that Pine Sol?
Draw me a hamburger, just bun, patty, bun. No lettuce, condiments or toppings.