While your argument is sound, a server can’t feed their children or care for disabled parents with sound arguments and principled stances.
I usually aim for the nearest dollar around 30%.
I’m a defense contractor and none of the “work” I have ever done in my life has done any human any good. I think it’s important to use my nonsense salary to pay the people who actually add value to society.
Oh wow, yeah it totally does. I thought Le Guin died in like the 80s
Right, I get that, but where was it he was bitten?
I’d really like a source for the “200 million per decade” number, the closest I’m aware of is this catalog of US atrocities but that’s both a wider and narrower subject than this one, not directly comparable.
Oh, and apparently thepiratebay.org is back?
Wait, is it really easy as that? I can just set Proton VPN up and download the LotR Extended Editions, no problem?
A friend of mine is curious about pirating without having their ISP shut the internet down, are there any tips I should give them?
You describe the ex friend as pressuring you to dump you (in the past) to dump your (at the time) bf and date him instead. This is a person who doesn’t respect your agency or value your happiness.
It’s possible he could be a pleasant experience for a little while, but it wouldn’t last. He wants to be with you not because he believes he can make you happy–that is the foundation of a worthwhile relationship.
Rather, he wants to be with you because he has fantasies about the person he imagines you are. He doesn’t care about who you are, if he did he would care about the relationship you were in and would care about your choice to be in it. He “cares” about who he imagines you are, his fantasy girl who wants him enough to leave her partner. If he were to find out you’re a person, a human person who doesn’t idolize him, the target of his fantasies would change.
Honest reporting looks like propaganda if the only news one is used to reading has been filtered through the fourteen layers of the American empire’s propagandic method.
The following is a representation of conservative thought:
Because it defies belief! Everyone knows any real superhero team would have NO women, women couldn’t be superheroes! Movies only force us to have women there because of Woke. We can “tolerate” (will still complain about but will give Hollywood our dollars anyway) a 5/6 men/women ratio. If we gotta pretend to be Woke, it better not be more than five sixths!
Source: I was raised in a conservative household and did not fully reject that poison until I was 27.
Ahhhh I highly doubt they’ll admit to a mistake, they’ll likely simply not acknowledge it at all but if they do acknowledge that they’re stepping in their own shit they’ll spin it as some kind of grand strategy to “determine which portions of the fat they trimmed were truly useless”.
This is my first time encountering the words “democratic confederalism” in the wild, I only know what that is from Robert Evan’s The Women’s War.
Same, I’m assuming it will be in the periodical email?
I’ve never worried about it too much.
Usually, I clean my glasses with a microfiber cloth which I’ll occasionally toss in the general laundry.
Sometimes I’ll clean my glasses with soap and water using just my fingers, then dry it with just a handy bathroom towel and then my microfiber cloth.
I can handwrite cyphered text as fast as I can write ordinarily. Never have practiced reading the cyphered text though so reading notes that I took in cypher is a pain in the ass…
“emissions are still increasing… thanks to China.” I understood China led the world in renewable energy development, their total emissions are still increasing despite that?
I’d be interested in a watches community