No good billionaires
When are you going to say it’s enough. When will the atrocities and overspending and outright theft be enough for the workers to stand up and say no more. How many people have to die in the name of profit and imperialism before you get out and do something? How many people have to light themselves on fire, cry out for help, starve to death, before the people of the usa will get out and overthrow the abomination of rulers. The world is dying. When do the people rise up?
Nazi foot fetishists?
What a world where you can be arrested for such a thing. Death to amerikkka.
All Cops Are Bastards
Pagan in its simplest form means not christian. That’s the basis of the word and the basis that is still used today. Yes there’s neopagan and all kinds of new ways the term gets thrown around, but not christian is the essence of the word.
Wolfenstein let’s you literally kill American nazis, and Klan idiots.
As a us citizen, having just rode the trains in Kenya, I was amazed at how great that experience was and really wish we had more of that at home. I look forward to seeing what they produce. BTW it brought a smile to my face to see the train had both the Kenyan flag and the Chinese.