Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me
Fuck you I won’t do ehat you tell me
-Kamala Harris
I still have some vhs collections but once I got the full seasons I ditched the dvd collections of my youth.
Burns’ genuine consideration before saying 'I think I’ll get up" is absolutely perfect delivery. Homer and Burns on sorta friendly terms is always magic. On that note Mointain of Madness is similarly great. Burns and Homer as allies is a fantastic pairing that it’s kinda odd they never caught on to it that much.
I used to have that dvd!
Winter episode episode guy here. Those are both good later ones.
That one hits me in the ‘I’m six and my mom is upset with me’
George Lucas sells out
Dinosaurs run about
Big man gets small
Hairy man can’t make withdrawals
Rat pizza subway
Furiosa got away
Arguing over a dress
30 written state addresses
Matt Damon escapes from Mars
Venom Snake avenges scars
Fox needed them DESPERATELY cause they were a new network when they hit big and they got a no studio notes deal. Futurama didn’t get the same from fox.
Ooh, good call! That one is good.
I get the exclusion cause it’s a different beast almost, but season one kinda slaps in a way that the other seasons don’t. Lisa has the best characterization early on. She’s just depressed and clever but still 8.
I fucking love the tramampolone I mean trambopaline stuff, but you aren’t wrong. However things not being double bolted was the reason for every failure at work for a while cause of that episode.
Last Exit to Springfield, Marge Vs the Monorail and Mr Plow
It was over a decade ago.
YouTube guy I really like Patrick H Willems uses Lemon of Troy as his example episode for how classic simpsons nailed comedy from a structural perspective. It’s really good and so is his other other stuff.
In the commentary they talked about how this was their darkest episode so far which is absurd cause Homer’s Odyssey, and I guess one of the writers had a doctor dad who he asked about the details of a triple bypass and he said ‘there is nothing funny about that.’. My grandfather had a quadruple when I was pretty young and I didn’t get how serious that really was at the time. He died of his 4th heart attack
That one is borderline classic and the basis of soooo many of my jokes around Australians.
Lisa needs s
I remember from the commentary that they had a lot of network pushback on it because beer commercials and ad money. They could dunk on tobacco cause they can’t advertise on TV, as much as they wanted but booze criticism always had pushback
The classic era are all classics and I may be a bigger simpsons nerd than many here so I sorta know what the classics of the classics are. I think $Springfield or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling would count. It’s I’m the mix but not making top ten lists in clickbait articles.
Genuine but really permitted. They got Rupert Murdoch on and had him refer to himself as a billionaire tyrant bit also he owned Fox, so it was never outside of what the overseers allowed but they allowed any Fox bashing quite well from what I heard from the dvd commentaries from dvds released by fox but a lot of people kn them weren’t under contract anymore and they didn’t pay as much attention to commentary content in the early dvd days when the classico seasons came out. So it does seem like Fox at the time was totally fine with it as long as the money came in, Disney seems way less willing to allow that.