You can also order ESE pods straight from the region of Naples, Italy, they’re pretty good.
You can also order ESE pods straight from the region of Naples, Italy, they’re pretty good.
Also known as ESE pods and available for order from Amazon, and coffee specialty sites!
Money is clearly being made using our personal aggregated data. Search for “data brokerage market”, and you’ll stumble upon articles and PR along the lines of “Data Brokers Market Estimated to Reach US$ 462.4 billion by 2031”, for example: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/08/01/2489563/0/en/Data-Brokers-Market-Estimated-to-Reach-US-462-4-billion-by-2031-TMR-Report.html
I’d like to reverse engineer, where they get the data from, in the first place. But thanks for the great resource!!
Let me take a real life example here. Let’s say I’m worried about SIM-swapping schemes, and I go and get a phone number for my banking, and my banking only. If THAT number suddenly shows up in the midst of the 123+ so data brokers, then clearly, me getting a phone number dedicated to avoiding SIM-swapping, is useless. That’s one of the use cases. Makes sense?
100% agree when you say “there aren’t any PIs at work here”, since we’re talking about data aggregation from multiple sources. My thought is: given data aggregation of PII is largely legal, then equally, publishing of creative PII is also legal.
So, regularly feeding creative PII for obfuscation, for protection from unknown 3rd-parties, requires knowing the sources communicating your data. At least, the main sources.
ESE pods have been around for quite a while now, and they’ve been a great alternative to Keurig.