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Nah, man. This is likely Khorne for the old battle bugle
Aw man, totally. They were the sole reason I built a more modern bike: those brakes became the bane of my existence. The extremely hilly section at the end of the trip was arse-clenchingly terrifying. The noise they made was like a cat going down a waterslide.
Fun in an ordeal sort of way though!
I did John O’ Groats to Land’s End on a steel frame bike! There’s something reassuring about knowing you could plow into a wall at 20 miles an hour and the bike will not give a single shit. Here it is just before setting off:
Would he fuck. The cunt is rich, white (under his orangutan) and an ex-president. That’s an echelon that don’t go to prison under any circumstances.
I’ve a love/hate relationship with Rogue Trader 40k. I fucking love it, literally everything about it, but I also hate it because it will end at some point.
Yeah, I’m already extremely suspicious at the convenience of his arrest, given that there has to be a repercussion shown to the ‘plebs’ - can’t have them getting ideas now about the ease with which they could depose their ruling oligarchs and actually get away with it.
I didn’t know about those details regarding the evidence being planted, so his statement makes much more sense with that context, thank you.
I’m unsure if he means his arrest is unjust due to the order of magnitude worse injustice of the healthcare system or Luigi stating he’s not the culprit (vigilante, hero, The Adjuster - whatever noun floats your boat).
It seems like the former? Annoyingly unclear.
This is the thing, exactly! It’s called The Banality of Evil. When Adolf Eichmann was being tried in Nuremberg for war crimes he committed in Auschwitz, it was widely remarked on about his lack of ‘evilness’. The dude seemed like a mild mannered accountant, and by all means was, but he helped enact one of the most heinous and calculated acts of genocide in all of history.
Monsters are easy to point at and shudder, monstrous humanity is far harder to accept let alone vilify. This piece of shit CEO is firmly in the Eichmann camp of evil and we should celebrate his demise exactly like Eichmann’s.
I think the problem here is the concurrent effects of climate change. The US couldn’t have picked a worse time to move from flirting with facism to full-on marrying it.
You can deal with one crisis if you’re coordinated enough but the chaos that’s already occurring with the climate - and is set to become exponentially worse - doesn’t give me much hope for a harmonious conclusion to this. Obviously, I hope I’m wrong and you’re right.
If nothing else, I’m enjoying the cathartic rage sarcasm cropping up everywhere on this site.
That’s the kind of spite-filled journey I can absolutely get behind
There’s also the problem that it’s just not particularly funny. Jokes that punch down on minorities are always shit. Even ‘ironically’ they’re usually shit. It’s uncreative, it’s the lowest common denominator and it also tells me the people thigh-slapping their way through the comedian’s set are idiots at best, straight-up racist at worst. Given the context this set took place in, I think we can safely assume the latter here.
Fuck off.
This is weak even as a meme let alone a joke