Maybe Canada could take one for the team and let each province join up and break the electoral college. Insist on supreme court justices and constitutional changes that leave them in change. As some one who lives in neither country, please??
Maybe Canada could take one for the team and let each province join up and break the electoral college. Insist on supreme court justices and constitutional changes that leave them in change. As some one who lives in neither country, please??
I don’t think they’ll agree to a ceasefire at all. Putin wants control of Kiev, whether that’s through a puppet or directly probably doesn’t much matter. Europe is looking increasingly likely that they’ll put boots on the ground to maintain the pace, so if the Russians don’t push hard for everything now, they might not have another chance for the foreseeable future
I feel like a jet and it’s systems would be relatively easy to hack. The weapons on the other hand, not so much. Just window those to a certain geographical system or refresh their systems when they connect to gps or something
Are you a real doctor?
Wargasm for your limp bizkit nu metal riffs without the rapping. Currently putting out quality too
Obligatory song
Swearing is how I put my seatbelt on in southern summers
Tulsi probably hitting Putin with “u up ;)”
I think he does, he just expects that in 4 years time the US will be booming and the bitter pill at their inception will have passed
He probably should look at the effect of China’s tariffs and trade disputes on Australia.
Really? I figure we just take that power away from him
When are we going to call algorithms what they are, automatic editors. Names need to be attached to algorithms can be blame for radicalisation
It was really weird when he was telling Zelensky during that meeting that he and Putin had been through hell with the collusion investigation. Like why would putin care?
Yeah, do your community and yourself a favour and support local artists
Probably the downvotes on his comment are a liiiitttttllllllleeeee bit indicative
But we can start a twitter campaign to convince him that he is all those things, shouldn’t be hard
His best was really in Red Alert
Sorry, it was meant as sarcasm. I live in Australia and we be we’ve occasionally been called the 51st state so i get the pain