Okay. At this point I truly believe you’re a right-wing troll that’s here to make shit up to stir a pot.
Blocking you now, like everyone else does. Enjoy the wind tunnel you’re creating for yourself.
Okay. At this point I truly believe you’re a right-wing troll that’s here to make shit up to stir a pot.
Blocking you now, like everyone else does. Enjoy the wind tunnel you’re creating for yourself.
For starters… it’s in bad faith to use the dead as a crutch to support an argument with someone online. Especially when it cannot be proven if it’s even true. It muddies waters and distracts from the point. Which clearly has been your intention all along.
So I will say this, and then not speak any more on the subject.
If you do have friend that are victims of this war, then you shouldn’t be using them as reasons why you are right about your point and others are wrong in discussions with people that are irrelevant to you and them. It’s disrespectful.
If you DON’T have friends that were victims of this war, then you are a shameful and disgraceful person and I pity you.
Very well said. I and many others have pointed out to both this person, and many others like them- the flaws in their argument. They just side-step it with more irrelevant rhetoric, and continue shitting all over the discussion.
At this point, I no longer believe that even they believe the nonsense. They’re clearly right-wing shills. It’s all there, the willful ignorance, the blatant disregard of factual evidence….
Is there any other way to describe a right-wing troll? I know people on the far-left. They’re not this obtuse.
That is adorable!!!
Dude, whether it’s about wining an argument- or trying to make a point, stop using your dead friends to do it. It’s incredibly disrespectful.
If it’s true that you really lost friends there- you really should be ashamed for using them to try and win an argument online with a stranger. I’m sure their lives meant more than a “gotcha” moment.
You should delete that shit and plan to have more respect in the future. I’m sure they deserve better.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t people warned about this before the game even came out?
This should fall under the purview of “fools and their money.”
Do Amazon next!
ROFL! There country be a more hilarious headline! I love it!
It’s always good to see some ELI5 to the people here. It’s such a fundamentally obvious fact about how things work, but even on a base level- people just don’t get how that works.
Thanks for spelling it out. Hopefully it helps some people under how things work.
Elections don’t win votes, however….
They’ll be gone soon. They’re making themselves irrelevant day by day.
Outing my alt accounts? That HAS to be against the rules. Let’s see….
Fingers crossed!
You’ve already been reported. Too late.
Go away, stalker!
If only the floats were armed.
VERY well put! Right on.
Give me a 3rd party candidate that is worth my vote and I’ll gladly vote for him/her/them. But not during a time when we’re facing the complete and total destruction of democracy as we know it if we don’t show up and support the one person that has a chance at giving us another 4 years to fight.
This is NOT the time to play with 3rd party options.
ROFL! I’m pretty sure you’re a right-wing troll. I can’t let myself believe that your level of ignorance is anything other than good old fashioned home grown American-made.