And ofc it’s just to raise their stock a little bit :) Big corpos are real life monsters
And ofc it’s just to raise their stock a little bit :) Big corpos are real life monsters
Could be both of those things as well.
Yeah, I’m currently using that one, and I would happily stick with it, but it seems just AMD hardware isn’t up to par with Nvidia when it comes to ML
Just take a look at the benchmarks for stable diffusion:
Now I’m actually considering that one as well. Or I’ll wait a generation I guess, since maybe by then Radeon will at least be comparable to NVIDIA in terms of compute/ML.
Damn you NVIDIA
Yeah, was just reading about it and it kind of sucks, since one of the main reasons I wanted to go Wayland was multi-monitor VRR and I can see it is also an issue without explicit sync :/
Interesting thought, maybe it’s a mix of both of those factors? I mean, I remember using AI to work with images a few years back when I was still studying. It was mostly detection and segmentation though. But generation seems like a natural next step.
But definitely improving image generation doesn’t suffer a lack of funding and resources nowadays.
I mean, we didn’t choose it directly - it just turns out that’s what AI seems to be really good at. Companies firing people because it is ‘cheaper’ this way(despite the fact, that the tech is still not perfect), is another story tho.
wow TIL sth as well I guess
The frequency is not directly proportional to the wavelength - it’s inversely proportional:
Think of this as this: The wavelength is the distance that light travels during one wave i.e. cycle. Light propagates with the speed of light, so the smaller the wavelength, it means the frequency must increase. If the wavelength gets two times lower, the frequency increases two times. If wavelength approaches 0, then frequency starts growing very quickly, approaching infinity.
The plot is not a straight line but a hyperbola.
For Logitech devices there is also Solaar.
You can check if it has the functionality you want (not sure, since I haven’t used it much and only for basic stuff).
Meh. Just a few segments, that’s all and not a full season ;-; One can dream though
You’re probably baiting me, but let’s go.
I still can’t get over the fact that lots of neo-communists use USSR as a role model. The only people in that country who benefited from that system were the people at the top and those with connections to them
Demonstrably false. For example, are you suggesting that the 23 million serfs–dirt farmers–of the imperial Russian empire were better off not knowing how to read, having no education, no healthcare, no subsidized food supplies, no industry tools, and no ability to break free from being born into a rigid inherited socioeconomic class from which there was no escape?
You’re indeed right that Imperial Russia wasn’t better for average lower-class folk. And certainly Bolshevik revolution didn’t came from nothing. For those people it was indeed an improvement. Maybe even substantial. Won’t argue, don’t know that much about that time. The thing that I know, being born in USSR satellite state is how much it sent us back into the middle ages after WWII. Huge lines for food, shit currency, no free speech, not being able to leave the country, political cleansing, gulags, exiles to Syberia, man-made famine. The list goes on and on. It definitely wasn’t as good here as it was in Western Europe for the ordinary people. And we are still seen as ‘worse’ compared to the West. You make it sound like it was some utopian state destroyed by filthy capitalists, while for some of us it was a living hell. And any attempt to change that was bloodily thwarted (e.g. Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia)
The USSR, as a model, worked.
Yes, especially in creating genocides (e.g. Katyn massacre), artificial famines (e.g. Holodomor) and causing large shortages of basic necessities even though their 5 year plans were so perfect. While most people in the West see Hitler as the personification of evil, I often hear that Stalin was much much worse.
Even not counting those issues, if it worked so well then we are not living in a glorious World SSR? USSR had almost twice natural resources the US has and they still didn’t make it work.
But the USSR was trending toward what we understand as liberalization which is why it dissolved the moment some ethno-nationalist capitalists were allowed to seize control of newly free media outlets and get people on their side with talking points.
Yep, it definitely didn’t have anything to do with people living in poverty, working for money worth shit, being prosecuted (or even executed) for just mentioning something bad about the ruling party. Those people were just corrupted by the free media to fight the state which gave them everything they needed. Also it didn’t collapse economically at all. (Hope at this point I don’t need to add /s)
It spooked the Americans and a lot of Europeans such that they adopted a practice of containment after WW2 in order to prevent a rival system from spreading.
I’ll just say that Berlin wall wasn’t created to keep Germans from the West from running away to East Germany.
I’d like to remind you that Gorbachev, leader of the USSR, didn’t react when people like (but not exclusively) Yeltsin used ethnonationalism to whip up mass riots and protests. He didn’t roll out the tanks,something tankies really hate. He didn’t refuse to recognize the results of elections and votes.
This system was simply not sustainable in the long run. With world’s second military they could prolong the inevitable. The fact that they didn’t roll out those tanks says that even people ruling that country knew it wasn’t working. They simply couldn’t keep up the race with the West. You can even see it in terms of GDP:
Sorry, got a bit angry. Idk, as much as I like to keep an open mind, USSR and it’s proxies created so much pain and suffering for me, my parents and grandparents, that it makes my blood boiling when I see somebody defending that monster of a country. Hope I wasn’t offensive much.
Lot of folks from Eastern Europe will agree on that.
I believe current social issues need fixing - maybe even adopting some radical changes. E.g. I still can’t get over the fact that capitalism allows for existence of something as ridiculous as billionaires - real life wealth ‘black holes’. And that’s just the start. On the other hand, there are some things that capitalism does extremely well, e.g. competitive markets are very good at producing cheap goods and can drive innovation (when disallowing monopolies). So maybe the right path for us is somewhere between the two extremes?
Anyways, while I understand the distaste for capitalism for some folks and the feeling that it failed them and working people below CEO level in general, I still can’t get over the fact that lots of neo-communists use USSR as a role model. The only people in that country who benefited from that system were the people at the top and those with connections to them (sounds somewhat familiar, doesn’t it?). IMO anybody trying to base their political views on communist ideology should cut off entirely from the USSR and simply deem it as a failed state (that was only communist by name) with too much blood on their hands. Definitely not something that we want to go back to.
Yeah, I think most of the times, if you don’t run very sensitive enterprise grade machine there isn’t much point to it.
Maybe run it once in a while if you really want to.
I hate being on a diet. I hate being on a diet. I HATE BEING ON A DIET.
I guess it isn’t and that’s the joke here.
Yep, writing from it rn ^^
Unfortunately, their story didn’t end well.