Ø - the 27th letter of the danish alfabet
Ø - the danish word for island
Ø - the 27th letter of the danish alfabet
Ø - the danish word for island
Yeah I recognized the german as being equivalent to the danish bjørnetjeneste, which also means bear service or slightly more accurately a bear favor.
Trump has in short ordered all mentions of scientifically accurate information on gender and sexuality removed from government websites.
The South Schleswig Danish minority have been mentioned in every new year’s speech I can remember. It’s basically part of acknowledging everyone who feels ties to the kingdom of Denmark. Near the german border there is a danish minority in Germany and a german minority in Denmark. And to my understanding as someone not living near there it is a respected cultural thing on both sides. It is not something about laying claim to it. In this particular speech the very next sentence is about the king and queen feeling just what you quoted during their visit those places that year and how they are looking forward to visiting the Faroese islands. For context the king was crowned in 2024 so this was commentary on the first royal visit of the new reagents.
As others have pointed out they have valid grievances and good reason to want independence. As a dane I only learned about the non-consensual and secretive implantation of UID’s in women and girls that had been going on a few decades ago. Learning about that and other systemic issues they have dealt with I can not begrudge them wanting independence. Whether they seek it or decide to stay, I hope they have a brighter future ahead of them and that Denmark will support that as best we are able.
I get that non-violent crime has a specific meaning in law, but calling the selling of children, causing massive psychological damage non-violent really rubs me the wrong way. Not a criticism of you but of the system that conciders it non-violent just because it was done with the stroke of a pen instead of the wave of a gun.
Dave McKeegan isn’t who offered to fund a flat earther. He was himself funded by the guy who arranged the whole thing, same as the flat earther was. Dave McKeegan was simply a prominent debunker with skills as a photographer who accepted to take part in this venture.
If you look her up you will see that this is one of her more tame takes unfortunately. At least this is not about her views on women’s place in marriage or the rights a husband supposedly has to their wives body, regardless of consent. I can’t help but feel a little sad for her though. From her recounting of her life it sounds like she married a man she didn’t love because that’s what she was supposed to do. After over a decade of miserable marriage she broke and saw it as her duty to be servile in all things to a man she was never really attracted to and convinced herself that happiness is to live that submissive life in deference to a man in all things. If it was the story of someone who got out and found a life outside those oppressive beliefs it would be a cautionary tale, but she sees it as the recipe for a good biblical life.
Yeah I was very ready to disagree with it being most people as that is far from my experience. I also come from one of those northern european countries that others describe as cold and closed of because we have a much more introvert aligned culture. And the fact that I’m someone who gets drained probably also biases my sample to more like minded people.
Non native English speaker here with a genuine question; wouldn’t “telling the students whom I married” mean that the teacher married the students instead of telling students about their spouse?
I mean being romantic or sexual carries some other connotations and meanings making them ambiguous in many situations if used as the antonym to the asexual and aromantic label.
I don’t really care what words are used for it but I find the allo ones useful as they are the most commonly understood ones and are unambiguous.
Unfortunately I am still unable to find any stories that tells what happens to the Hamas members after their surrender. I’m unsure if they get treated well or are sent to the same facilities in which there are reports of human rights violations amounting to psykological and physical torture.
I did find some examples of successful surenders, but nothing where hostages were explicitly mentioned to have sweetened the deal of surrender.
I do believe you may be right but I have been unable to verify it myself.
Are there any examples of it being used successfully and the aftermath of it? This is a genuine question stemming from my own ignorance on the subject. I would really like for that to be a good way of handeling situations where hostages are released, but I could easily understand why a member of Hamas might have reservations if they do not have reason to trust the system.
If there is good reason to trust it I will agree that that would have been a viable and good way out and should have been used.
To me it sounded like they were specifically pushing against a claim that Hamas offered to free everyone. They pointed out that they only said civilians and as not all hostages would be considered civilians not all hostages would have been freed as another commenter claimed.
I still see it as them pushing back against an “Hamas was good actually” sentiment, arguing that Hamas was not as good as implied due to a careful reading of the statement and an assessment of the hostages and whether all were civilian or would be considered civilian by Hamas.
There is a greater context, but the thread in which this was written the context was a push back against claims portraying Hamas favorably.
Do you really believe that any member of hamas would be safe just because they let some hostages go? How would that work? Should they surrender themselves to the IDF while delivering the hostages, just notify them of where they are so they won’t be bombed or how would that all work?
How were they doing that? To me it seemed like their point was a distinction between all hostages and civilian ones being released. I don’t know if they are correct, but I cannot see how it in any way dehumanizes anyone.
It’s free, so don’t let that stop you, but it is very fair if you want a more complete experience before trying it out.
(It is paid on steam as a way to suport the game, but free downloads can be found on their website)
I would say yes and no. It is a game about evolution with some similarities but it is very focused on a realistic representation of evolution. This makes it a more complex game than spore and actively encourages many different niches not just agressive, peaceful and mixed as spore did.
Aldo currently they are working on finishong the cell stage and the beginning of the multicellular stage while have more in deapth discussion about the transition between the microscopic and macroscopic phases among other things.
Aah okay, that makes sense. Paulogia does however put forward at least one more person having an experience, possibly due to a grief hallucination. If I remember correctly he suggested Peter being the one to have it.
I also don’t remember him ever suggesting that the empty tomb is an actual fact in need of explanation. I think he sees it as likely that Jesus would have been unceremoniously put in a mass- or ditch grave as was common for crucifixion victims. The tomb would then be a detail added on later by other christians, likely through narrative evolution.
I may misremember some of it though, so maybe I should go back and rewatch as well.
Oh nice! :D
We have something similar although only in certain dialects of danish. The following is a valid sentence meaning the island in the river: æ ø i æ å