I’ll be honest, this only matters when running single services that are very expensive. it’s fine if your program can’t be pararlelized if the OS does its job and spreads the love around the cpus
I’ll be honest, this only matters when running single services that are very expensive. it’s fine if your program can’t be pararlelized if the OS does its job and spreads the love around the cpus
Man, I love cocksuckers I’d get me one of those
Good ol “let’s develop this character to kill it the same chapter”
you can use the same folder for unfinished downloads. I personally use a symlink as jellyfin won’t pickup partial files
thank god I’ve only got to service an intranet site
How do I make my family of size 2?
that’s the pure definition of a parasite
Spain! Spain has great country side roaming. You can visit the deserts very well know westerns were filmed on. Run up on one of the highest peaks of the EU. Eco tourism here is great.
I’ll be dishonest, I’ve always seen it the other way around so the spinning arrow thing didn’t fit until this image
sadly I didn’t manage to actually get it working on my setups
When you ban sensible discussion you’re left with utter nonsense
doesn’t vim come with the Ubuntu installation?
that’s me atm. luckily they’ve stopped moving and I don’t feel any pain but it’s a breeding ground of the unfunny kind
I’d do that if I was given so much stupid access
still, this should be something the car ought to take into account. What if there’s a glass in the way?
Yeah, I’m guilty. I put the shoe on top of a small drawer under the desk and my spine has never thanked me for it
Yeah, cost of living has been shot in favour of profit optimizing algorithms
“Damn, I’m sorry my car killed your kids. The Carscape person didn’t get their drop”