Yeah i am not letting PH verify my ID just to view porn. I dont trust it and i feel it violates my privacy.
Yeah i am not letting PH verify my ID just to view porn. I dont trust it and i feel it violates my privacy.
Rants about not going to a big vpn because of privacy concerns, yet brings up one of the largest vpns still that their uses. Btw a vpn is only subjective to what you are doing, torrenting or any p2p activity you will need a vpn. Direct downIoads from datanodes, 1cloudfile or streaming from a site aka broflix, primeflix you dont need a vpn. Ive gone years without getting any notice from my isp with this information. Of course the websites will change over time but the info still stands true to this day.
im so high on dopamine right now!
☹️ but i cant click to subscribe.
I was on the subreddit for real-debrid and theres so many ppl praising them still and expecting the service to function like normal after removing their endpoint. Then ppl complaining because they cant add their pirated media, like wtf what did you expect they got busted. Theyre still there but the reason theyre still alive has been burned so, time to jump ship. Off to another place to get my files
Man I posted one fully loaded on askreddit and I’m shadow banned not even a warning fuck reddit
Man I posted one fully loaded question on askreddit and I’m shadow banned not even a warning fuck reddit
Just set up my arr apps to use rdtc on a 500gb VirtualBox Linux machine and I love it, I’ll keep this in mind when adding whisparr ty
Who knew a large poop stopper would hurt 😕
1st time hearing about this DRM