Just waiting for some extremist to announce something in retaliation like ‘truefreedom rideshare’ where ‘strong conservative men’ can book a ride specifically with vulnerable women under some other buzzword naming.
Just waiting for some extremist to announce something in retaliation like ‘truefreedom rideshare’ where ‘strong conservative men’ can book a ride specifically with vulnerable women under some other buzzword naming.
If it doesn’t work by default, long press the app, go into app info, scroll to advanced, enable exploit protection compatibility mode.
Didn’t Sennheiser get sold already
This shit is worse than police corruption in fiction
I would have had no complaints about this game if it was released a decade ago. Two decades ago even then I would have significantly more time to waste on it and be more forgiving, on top of it being legitimately state of the art.
This brings me back to the days when we wished we could punch someone via the internet.
I was hoping this was the tl;dr but it wasn’t. They just made a typical statement to avoid being caught up in it.
Here’s my attempt at a tl;Dr if anyone wants fewer sentences.
Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Marine Institute, referred to as MUN in the article announced partnering with oceangate at some point. Somehow with a university partnership and one of the students on board the support ship that goes with the ghetto-sub nobody caught any of the glaring issues that led to it’s inevitable implosion and the loss of a mediocre gamepad. Some have issue with whether there is any educational or scientific merit in a university partnering with a business centered around touring billionaires around an underwater gravesite. None were on board, but there was the possibility that students could have gone in the sub if there was an opening.
I do this all the time so unknown animals leave my garden alone. To me it smells great and the one time a neighbor asked I said it was roundup then said it was a joke and it’s actually tropicals fertilizer. Nobody has ever complained about spicy air.
I’m still sad that stellar overload failed. I easily put more hours in that and it never made it out of early access.
I’ve never found this to be a problem. I’ve also never experienced poop burn after eating spicy things but instead got it from misc other food that upset my stomach.
Roblox is a plague. It should be shut down and the operators put in a cell.
That’s great and I will definitely get it but I still really want Bloodborne, Ragnarok, and the next part of ff7r even though it isn’t even out on ps5 yet.
Tl;dr: was difficult due to repetitive structure. Will enable further research.
The achievement completes the Y chromosome’s genetic code and unveils key details that could provide a crisper picture of the role the chromosome plays in male-specific development, fertility, and genetically triggered diseases like cancer
Why people that left their home are returning home: they want to go home.
I’ve tried a lot of different tab management systems. Multiple tree tab extensions, a couple that build off the built in container system, a few different non plugin browser tweaks, and some random other crap for stacking or deactivating idle tabs. None of them fully feel right for me.
I forgot what the current thing I’m using is called and I left the computer at work but it groups tabs into workspaces and has some sort of container integration I haven’t fully investigated. It seems lacking performance wise though.
I generally have around 1500 tabs at any time for various topics of research, news or updates for various things. More often than not I find horizontal tabs to be a hindrance and the only thing that could make them worse is if they shrank to triangles and made a sawblade like chrome tabs.
Why do people even use WinRAR any more?
The floor is made of ground too.
Doesn’t steam let you download games you purchased that have since been removed? Will they try to bill developers still in this case?